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Monday, August 31, 2009
Had a funny encounter.. Sat i took cab to dear's place and realised the cab uncle was the one who drove to me work the day before!! super qiao.. he's driving a red cab and he came out from the same carpark.. n i thot to myself that it cannot be so coincindental.. bt when i gt onto the cab. I could recognise him, as he was a malay and he drove with 1 hand, the other he would place it on the seat beside.. haha.. he also remem me..Haha..
(Your Name) ♥ 12:44 PM
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
saw ros's entry on happiness tt day...have alwax been tinkin..ya happiness is important..happiness can be achieved simply..whether rich or poor..(k of coz being rich is additional bonus).. haha..so long as we dun ask for too much, n be contented with wat we have..being happy is nt difficult at all...

Lately..i realise even when i listen to sad songs.. i still feel happy.. Hence i noe i am happy.. Happy wif my present life.. happy with the ppl i have around me.. but of late, somehow someting lingers.. some things tt cant be taken away... i am happy bt can be troubled at d same time..zzz.... some news of ppl..some coincidence tt triggers some recollection.. somehow they just brought back some memories...memories that had been there all the while but was not much reminded of as days gone by...it's a weird feeling... there's not much of an issue anymore.. or rather no issue at all..bt yet these memories still able to hit a note in my heart... n makes me kinda disturbed.. wat is it exactly i also duno.. jus feel tt sth is there.. left unsettled.. left unexplained.. Hmm bt i guess it's all these stupid things tt make life interesting..haha.. as new chapters begin.. new memories r created.. n the old ones would slowly fade away.. til it does not matter anymore..

work is soooo tiring.. time passes soo fast..we must live to the fullest and grasp watever we have tightly...n cherish our loved ones before it's too late...
(Your Name) ♥ 2:48 PM
Saturday, June 20, 2009
I couldn't help it but to blog!! Last nite was 'browsing' tv show and came across tis show 'Zettai Kareshi-Absolute Boyfriend'... duno wat was tt.. bt decided to watch on coz the male lead is sooooo handsome!!!!!!! it has been sometime since am soooo mesmerised by a guy!! woooo hooo~~~ he's soooooo HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! talll and tan bod. Am drooling ...haha.. There's tis sence of him doin Sit ups.. and showin off his bod... nt v beefy kind, lean de.. wa i cant help it til i need to blog abt him!! Hahaha.. In the show, he's suppose to be the 'Ideal Boyfriend'...

Love his hair~!

Super tall =p

Tis is the show... he's suppose to be a robot..tt wil do anythin for his owner (also his 'gf')...realy nice..hw nice if realy gt a guy sooooooooooo gd to u... bt maybe if there's such handsome and real robot bf.. i dun mind havin 1!!! wahahaha..

(Your Name) ♥ 11:02 AM
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Baby Prud's 1st Bday Partee
time really flies fast....little Prudence turned 1 on 27 Mar alrdy!
her nice Ee Ee invited us to her 1st bday partee at pasir ris aloha terrace...
she's really cute dao we can't resist taking pics of her!

prud having fun at the pool~
she's damn cute in her cute pinkie ninja-turtle-like swimming costume...=P

luv dis pic of her!! haha =P

Prudence oso vv clever...when she heard everyone of us singing happy bday song for her...

she joined in in the clapping as well!!

of cos, we wouldn't miss the chance to take pics wif her as well~ =P
Little Prud, wish u a happy 1st bday and grow strong & healthy!
Stay cute & chubby always!!!
(Your Name) ♥ 3:28 PM
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Coy's DnD at Orchard Hotel
Had my DnD during the CNY time... was a realy fun nite!!

Charade time..
this grp was dam funny.. d Qn was Michael Jackson, but halfway thru, it bcame monkey..haha..

Scott, my immediate boss, d 1 standin on my right..

Tis guy is our Fav. for d nite =))

i was caught off hand when i was called to go up..bt heck la.. i love to play..haha..
i was d 1st person for d last Qn.. guess wat i am tryin to show?

It's "FLASHER"... wahahha....

(Your Name) ♥ 12:43 PM
++ LUCKY ++
Fav song at d moment......


Do you hear me,I'm talking to you

Across the water across the deep blue ocean

Under the open sky oh my, baby I'm trying

Boy I hear you in my dreams

I feel your whisper across the sea

I keep you with me in my heart

You make it easier when life gets hard

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend

Lucky to have been where I have been

Lucky to be coming home again


They don't know how long it takes

Waiting for a love like this

Every time we say goodbye

I wish we had one more kiss

I'll wait for you I promise you, I will

I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend

Lucky to have been where I have been

Lucky to be coming home again

I'm lucky we're in love in every way

Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed

Lucky to be coming home someday

And so I'm sailing through the sea

To an island where we'll meet

You'll hear the music, feel the air

I'll put a flower in your hair

Though the breezes through trees

Move so pretty you're all I see

As the world keeps spinning round

You hold me right here right now~~~

Simply love it ("v")

(Your Name) ♥ 12:33 PM
Saturday, February 14, 2009
to my dear gals,
happy v day

hugs & muacks,
Sian =D
(Your Name) ♥ 2:12 AM
Friday, February 06, 2009
Today is THE DAY....
Hahaha... today will be D DAY to determine whether i will be a millionaire or not... keke... to win this 10-mil prize money, me and ldg val the f**t* ma****h did watever we can lo! keke... from pure luck to analytical to being superstitous! keke... either u dun buy or u go all out to win the money, u see.. wahahahaz... (PS: I chipped in for fun nia... =P)

Had our windfall dream plan planned like 2weeks b4 and we decided to go to the ah neh shop (but was unbearable coz the incense they put like full force one lo... and u smell like 1 after tat... hahaz...) at bedok lo.. since it's like being taled as 1 of the hotspots... After 2 days of analysis and constant review of our Nos., we decided to buy our Nos. on wed and it happened to have a heavy downpour... ldg val said cfm will huat liao! coz water = money... keke... Surprisingly, the Q was super short and we didn't get to Q in the rain for tat... Heng sia~

Post-buying plan was like to seal our winning tixs in Hongbaos (so can lucky lucky.. hahaz...) tat we took extra effort to select the most appropriate design which we kop from office... wahahhaaz... and also some lame actions tat we decide to implement... keke... u gals will noe once u see the photos... wahahahaz... =P

wahahaz... so happened tat my sis bot 1 set of mini mj tiles... went to like "borrow" from her... we decided to use the most power tile for the day le! 4 HUATS ard the hongbao... dun win also difficult sia... keke...

Here's our winning tics lo... half of it is with me... another half with lgd val... hahaz... BTW... our Nos. are SUPER DUPER TOP SECRET! hahaz... so u all can juz see the title lo... muahahahz...

Also my colleagues also said that if we really win, they think val will become crazy... coz she's like laughing hysterically juz by imagining she won the big prize... keke... anyway i hope it's true... then i can have all the share by myself... muahahahaz...

Time to sleep le! Toodles ppl~ =)

(Your Name) ♥ 1:31 AM
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