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Friday, April 28, 2006

Found tis in my hp, so put on up here so that u all can save =)
(Your Name) ♥ 2:33 PM
tis is my 1st time too..haha
Hey galz... miss u all!! Sian ur flowers realy nice.. so sweet of candice! i'm so bored..tis exam is takin so long..so long din go out le.. Totally no life lo.. After exam stil gt IO, can jus kill me..Tis my 1st time writin a blog, nv thot i'll do tt..HAHA.. quite interestin.. k i hope can meet u galz some time nxt week k..
(Your Name) ♥ 1:51 PM
Saturday, April 15, 2006
my 1st-times...

ermzz...i was asked to post/blog dis...wahaha...

dis is a jointed blog wif weiqin...haha i'm a lazy person...can't haf a blog by myself lah....hahah...if not ppl reading dis might by bored to death...haha...i normally read others' blogs....go read weiqin's blog...i'm a big fan of it...wahahaha...

dis is my 1st time bloggin...14apr06...mux remember dis date...1404...can go buy 4D...wahahaha..

yesterday was reli an unforgettable day for mi...it was da 1st time dat i received a bouquet of flowers via delivery lah...haha...superb paiseh...as it happened @ my workplace....
was doing my drawings as usual...& then da receptionist announced over the intercom...
"Wee Hui Sian...pls come to the recep. to collect ur item..."

i was like.."huh? mi? did i purchase any thing for da coy? i din make any purchase leh..."

making my way to da recep...feeling panicky...i saw dis delivery guy wif a bouquet of flowers in his hands! it was a damn big bouquet of flowers(to mi)...above's a picture of da beautiful flowers....

i was lost for words when i saw da flowers...totally shocked...i was tinking who will be so nice to send mi flowers...& da best thing is...send to my office somemore....tot such scene...u'll only see it on tv...wahahaha...

so i signed da acknowledgement slip in a daze...then quickly opened up da card inside...there it wrote..."Happy 22nd Birthday! Enjoy ur dinner with ur family & cya soon! Hope u like da flowers!" sign off...CANDICE!!! i was abt to cry --- i was damn touched....Candice is my best friend back in secondary skool days till now...almost 9yrs of friendship...she's reli a thoughtful person...she decided to send mi flowers cos da last time she remembered dat she sent mi flowers was back in sec skool...haha...it was indeed a very pleasant surprise for mi...then i started to tink...how did she get my coy's address?

i recalled back dat few days back...she called mi up to tell mi dat she might be coming to loyang to mit her client one of these days...so she asked mi if i wana mit her for lunch...of cos i agreed to it...so she asked how to get to my coy...& i told her da address...da best thing is she din hafta mit any client in loyang...her colleague gave her da idea to trick mi into telling her my coy's address...wat a brillant idea....wahaha...

she's juz so swit & thoughtful lor...my best friend indeed...hahaha...

would like to say a BIG THANK YOU to Candice once again for da flowers & chionging nite @ MOS dat day...haha had lotsa fun wif candice,jeffery and candice's 3 other frens as well....thank u so so much!!

after receiving da flowers...i hesitated for a while...gosh...i would nid to ans alot of qns ltr from my colleagues...indeed..it happened...haha...they tot da flowers were from a guy/my bf...wahaha....told them dat it was not...until i had to show them da card to make them convinced...-_-|||

dat was reli an unforgettable day of my life...=)
(Your Name) ♥ 12:19 AM
My first post! for this blog i meant. hehehe... Decided to name it 14april06 because it is created today!

Try to blog as frequent as possible k? :)
(Your Name) ♥ 12:07 AM
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