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Wednesday, June 28, 2006
quite bored today. so i decided to blog here. my blog got other ppl read, v restricted. hehe

Anyway, last mon or last week, i was chatting with this fren. she isn't a close one. I don't really agree with some of her thinkings, nor understand how she sometimes thinks or does, but she's one that can chitchat or gossip type.

We were simply too bored, so we chat about relationships. Yup, she got a bf, and obviously have had quite a no. of relationships. I was telling her that i hope my first would be my last (like what i told sian yesterday night which reminded me of this conversation i had with her)

here comes the main pt.
Me: “我希望我的第一个能是我的最后一个”
Ger:“Huh? 难道你不想多try几个?”

Me, who doesn't really agree but fake in front of her: “hmm...then 要try几个?”

hmm... 3 to 4? try more? But what's the point of trying more? imagine u got this first one who treats u pretty well. But you think you should try more, so u break and find another one. then break, try again.

what if end up u feel that the first one is the best? will you go back to him, hoping to patch again? And i don't really agree with the word TRY, sounds so... u-know-what-i-mean.

It also sounded like, you found a bicycle. along the way, u find a motorcycle, then u abandon ur bicycle for the motorcycle. Then along the way, you jump into a lorry, and byebye to ur motorcycle. And finally, hop into a ferrari and kick away the lorry. Hm.. what if along the way u fell and can never stand up again?

ok, maybe she doesn't really mean that, as in TRY more before settling on one, afterall it's just a normal chitchatting session.

Eh, but how come when i told sian abt first being last, her answers are 180degree different from hers?

I think that's how we can define close friend. We can think alike. A simple conversation shows. :D

oh, this relationship doesn't mean anything. Just a blog. No worries. :)
(Your Name) ♥ 6:34 PM
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Heyz peeps... check out tis new designer hotel, www.newmajestichotel.com... see liao so shuang..i also wanna go.. Bt i tink if given a chance, i wanna go scarlet hotel 1st.. hexhex..
(Your Name) ♥ 11:21 AM
It's a rainy sat mornin... When many r stil soundly in bed.. i'm already on my way to wk.. leng si wo le.. d wind so strong... so cold so nice to snuggle in bed.. Bt i'm in office....... tt's 1 of the worse ting tt can eva happen in life.. when i reach office, there r only 2 ppl.. sian.. k n nw my boss is here..
(Your Name) ♥ 10:08 AM
Sunday, June 18, 2006
i'm back wif part 2!!
haha...see...sat post part 1...today sunday post part 2...efficient ok...=P

ok...part 1 i wrote until our coy's cycling trip...so wat's nxt...

after da cycling trip...i reli get to noe more abt my colleagues & my IA frens...reli nice bunch of ppl...my sup lagi best...after cycling still went back to office to work...pei fu...after da cycling da 4 of us tired like dun noe wat lor...i buay tahan...exhausted to da max...muscles aching...butt aching...but after da cycling trip...i still haf yq's sis's 21st bday party! dragged myself to bathe and prepare to go costa sand resort @ pasir ris...oh yah...yq...u haven't send mi da fotos we took during ur sis's bday party!! see now i can't post it up...wahaha...u oso neva blog abt it...=P

it was a nice party...shirley's frens helped her to decorate da chalet...so nice...we helped to light up da tealight candles which were placed on da wooden checkered rack u call dat? along da staircase one...damn lomantic...haha..created a vv nice ambience there...we took afew pics there...shall post it when i get da fotos from yq...hee

shirley's cake oso vv big & nice!! vv delicious!! nicer than mine lor...hers was also strawberry shortcake..from Angie The Choice...vv ex oso...but it was reli nice!

i suddenly felt abit old there...seeing shirley turning 21...haha...feel so old...=P

@ da party...we played wif yq's baby cousin!! haha...another vv cute baby gal!! eyes so big...kept staring @ u one...beautiful smile she had....yq...post her pics up leh...haha...pics taken fr my fone not vv clear...hee...@ da liviing room, her grandma was carrying her, playing wif her...then suddenly she like vv stoned...& da nxt moment we knew...she was doing her big business...wahaha...u shld haf seen her expression @ dat moment!! it was hilarious! sooo cute!!

in one day...had so much fun wif 3 vv adorable kids....haha...i'm not a paedophile like yq...haha i juz like to play wif kids! when u see them smile or hear their laughter...they would somehow get u influenced as well...=)

ok...i digress abit there...haha...back to after da cycling trip...=P it was back to work da following week...we were left wif 4 more weeks in Integral Sys...as usual...i was bz wif my machine...work was like neva ending...haha but bz is better than doing nthg...hee...my work doesn't juz revolve ard in da office...i get to drive too! my 1st driving assignment was to go collect a machine part in Tuas....yes...Tuas!! after i got my driving licence...i haf neva drove dat far lor...alone summore...onli tried driving from NTU back home once...haha.. my HR manager vv hao shuang...juz asked mi if i noe how to drive...then he entrusted his car keys to mi liao... my sup was like having doubts abt my driving skills...he was like " r u sure u can drive?"...he was worried dat i might get lost...he see mi no up sia...=P it was my HR manager's car...luckily it's automatic one....hee...was speeding @ 110km/hr...woohoo!! luckily no TP...=P & tuas was like a big maze...it was ez to find da coy wif da street directory but i made a few rounds inside tuas before i found da exit to go back to integral....haha...but dun care...not my petrol consumption...=P

my sup told us dat during his IA...he buanged his manager's car lor...cos he dozed off while driving! reli tok gong...he still said luckily his manager's car not new one...-_-|||

my nxt few driving assignments got company...it was my 'suga daddy' mr teoh(senior manufacturing engineer)! haha...he always bully mi in office one...he's a vv nice man...da most chatty& frank person in integral...he's one person dat i respect(like a father) da most in the coy as well...he's juz too nice le...haha...we can reli tok abt anything one...reli learnt alot from him as well...he was oso da one who asked mi to do OT on my 1st day of work one...haha...he taught mi how to use AutoCAD too...there was another time he asked mi to try drive da coy van...it was manual driving...i was like...huh manual arh...jialat...haha...too used to driving auto cars liao...& the gears & some of da switches are vv different from those of a car one....for reverse gear...u nid to lift up a switch & shift da gear to ur left instead of ur right...da gear was damn rigid....no strength to shift da gear...haha mr teoh was like reassuring mi..." neva mind, u drive...u dun worry...my hands r on da handbrake...anything happens i'll pull it..." i was like...thanx lor.... & the left/right signal lights switches' positions were totally diff from a car's one...da van one was on da left instead...but i kept triggering da right hand side one...so the windscreen wipers kept sweeping up and down...& i stalled da van 3 times =P hee luckily mr teoh was not van-sick from my driving...

another person dat i njoyed chatting wif was Jason(senior project engineer)...he's like a big bro to mi...haha...he had guided mi alot in my project...a vv knowledge person...he's vv into music one...likes to act young...but he's actually not vv old lah...31 onli...haha...always asking mi to send him songs...ask mi to update his mp3player when he actually dun haf time to listen to all da songs...he actually tot dat craig david was a band....gdness...he's another fun-loving person...comical @ times...introduced mi his era's slow rock songs...reli not bad i mux say...haha he's also one very sensitive guy...but i tink he tinks too much @ times...haha...when there's nthg bothering mi then he kept saying sthg's bothering mi...weird...but he's one person dat u can reli tok to...can gif u gd advice one..reli glad to haf him as a colleague & fren...=)

finally it was our last day in Integral...was feeling happy yet abit sad...cos gona leave da coy & da colleagues...we had canadian pizza for lunch instead of driving out to lunch...bosses' treat for us...we also bot a cake for theresa(admin executive) to celebrate her bday which was on da 17th...she couldn't join us for da bbq as she had to return to malaysia...& i managed to get all of them to take a Integral group foto...

ppl missing in da foto are jason,mr teoh & mi...cos i was da one taking da foto...abit dark arh...din reli noe how to use da coy's cam..haha

& there i'm inside da foto...cos mr yew(OPS manager) helped us to take dis pic...much clearer

Up nxt was da bbq we had yesterdae @ east coast! woke up damn earli in da morning to prepare da stuff...nid to go find coffee mugs cos i nid to make souveniors for my colleagues....searched my whole neighbourhood but i juz can't find those dat i want....nxt i had to go to da interchange to find....combed CS and TM..finally found them in NTUC...leave 7 mugs...juz nice...quickly bot them & rushed home to decorate them...i was reli rushing for time....met An(IA student) and my sup earlier @ 3pm to get some stuff for da bbq b4 we went to east coast....but too bad one of my colleagues, Deepthi can't join us cos she gota take care of her husband who fell ill...so sad...wana take pics wif her one...anewae....so happy xiao mah came!! haha once again i hafta take pics wif him! haha...dis time he's not afraid of mi oredi!! he let mi carry him & take dis pics....he's juz so adorable!!

see....such a cutie pie....hahaha

look @ his smile!! makes u wana take more fotos wif him!!
he's reli vv fotogenic....he was vv hyper yesterday...he saw dis tentage beside our bbq pit...& he kept going round it...playing peek-a-boo wif the kids in da tent...haha...

i made my fruit salad...& xiao mah actually finished one cup!! so peng chang...haha...my IA fren brought some red & white wines too....was damn gd...swit swit one....da brand was brown brothers...da alcoholic content was quite ok...nice! nxt time can buy from DFS...
& i ordered too much food...cos afew of our colleagues din manage to make it in time...so alot of leftovers...so i introduced them to Indian Poker! haha...my luck was quite gd in da 1st few rounds...until da last round...got da smallest card...kena sabo...haha...damn fun! & b4 we left da place...we took a group foto...

it was reli a nice outing...simple bbq...great fun...njoyable!! hope there's a nxt outing soon! =P
& wif dat...it's da end of my IA chapter...wat a long blog...haha take ur time to read ya? haha..shall stop here...tml's monday...back into da arms of NTU....hahaha...
(Your Name) ♥ 1:10 PM
finally 16th June...it's over!! (part 1)
wei...wat i neva contribute...i bz mah...wahaha...
i shall update u guys da stuff over these few months....shall summarise for u all...haha...where shall i begin....ltr u all dun say my blog too long arh...=P

16th June is da last day of my IA attachment @ Integral Systems...finally...haha...but time flies...6 mths juz passed liddat...it has been an enriching learning journey(seriously)...reli learnt alot abt engineering in automation & control from da engineers...abt da combined wonders of mechanical,manufacturing & control(electrical) engineering & ta dah...da birth of a machine....i mux say it's reli not an ez task to build up a machine...to design a machine is reli not ez....there r so many factors dat u hafta consider....designing is one thing...but when it comes to da machine assembly...it's another matter oredi...to be a design engineer is reli not ez...so is a manufacturing engineer...when it comes to alignment of machine parts....it reli takes up time & ur energy...da design engineers still nid to handle afew projects @ one time...i reli peifu the design engineers in my coy....i salute them....

on my last day...i was waiting for my final machine part to come in...so anxious...da final part...wonder if it can work anot...if cannot work...jialat sia...last day cannot go back early...haha but finally it worked!! God bless mi!! everything ran smoothly...it was reli one load off my mind...reli feel abit she bu de lah...6mths there leh...but there's no neva-ending party...haha( direct translation)...nice colleagues there...helpful supervisors....fun IA frens...it's reli an njoyabe IA for mi....

throughout my IA with Integral Sys...we had a few outings too...da 1st outing i went wif them was a cycling trip in Pulau Ubin...it was ages since i been to pulau ubin...cycling trip somemore lor...
da thing is dat i can't cycle well....
got problem balancing...haha...but to my surprise...i could still ride a distance...but da most embarrassing thing was dat i rode until i went into a tall bush lor...super duper paiseh...my frens had to pull mi out from da tall bushes..but they r vv nice...they rode slowly wif mi to guide mi...to make sure i dun go into any bushes...=P haha...but it was reli fun...had so much fun wif the kids!! Mr mah brought his son(i called him xiao mah) & KG brought his daugther, Hui Xin along!! so adorable kids!!! xiao mah looked vv alike my dad when he was young!! damn cute lor...i can't resist not to take pics wif him but he was vv shy lah...kept clinging onto mr mah one...like a koala bear...haha...but i still managed to take some fotos wif him...hee...Hui Xin is a vv fotogenic gal! i luv her smile...she luvs to take fotos too! she will QC her fotos oso one...haha...she'll be a vv pretty gal nxt time when she grows up...

dat's xiao mah on da left & Hu Xin on da right!! cute rite!! both of them can go & participate in those super cute kids contests...soooooooooooooooo cute!!! sure can come in top 3 positions one...haha...

i juz luv dis pic...haha xiao mah's mum helped us took dis pic...i wanted to take pic wif da both of them one...but xiao mah vv shy...mrs mah kept moving back to make sure xiao mah is in da pic but he kept moving towards his mum....sooo cute!! ok i write until here...damn tired after da bbq...haha...shalll come back soon wif part 2...haha...stay tuned! =P
(Your Name) ♥ 1:12 AM
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
::We came into tis world as a radiant package of cosmic wonders, as an unspeakably sublime bolt of primordial resonance, as a barely coalesced jumble of binding beauty...::

we should be who we r... Doin things we like n nt wat d society deems right...

It's time to express your grief for those calamities, den heal yourself fr their damages n start becomin the marvel u were born to b...
(Your Name) ♥ 1:19 PM
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
I don't put title one

here i am again. i wasted the whole of my tues doing nothing.

told my sup i'll be going to library to do research since he needed to use the lab til wed. end up slacking at home. So... evening time, i was flipping through my photo albums... and hahaha... we looked so dumb and nerd inside!!!

me: eekk... so tu! the hair! omg. hahaha
merx: still as tall. *green with jealousy* Can give me 5cm?
sian: you are so much thinner now!!!
mel: we shall take more photos from now onwards. :)

Unable to take all photos. but i picked two! i no scanner leh. so depended on my hp. I also flipped through the ones we took together with joan in Hello Kitty Lantern festival too. I think we should go to more of such events, and take more photos.

And develop them! I realise one thing with digital camera is... u take photos, u store in computer. But if u never develop them, u will never go look at them again and again. That's the difference with films i guessed. :)

(Your Name) ♥ 9:44 PM
Monday, June 12, 2006
topic? duno wat topic.. chap ba lang
2day my last day @Caltex... fr tmr onwards dun tink i'll get to go hm early le... sadz...
Duno who wil i wk wif nxt.. Max is realy v nice.. Alwax let me hm early, even if he has to stay back, he'll send me out 1st.. n one day even prepared bread 4me.. Touched.. such a gd sup..

Last week was totourous.. Wif d release of result, my heart jus sank to d bottom of my feet.. i was sad coz i fail 2 subj, which r dam tough(dam,must retake them), n dey might coz me to stay back 1 more sem.. 1of d subj, i thot would pass coz i wrote alot 4 d pp, so was v disappointed when i gt F for it.. Bt tinkin fr another perspective, i shld b glad tt i only fail 2 coz i thot i would fail more than tt, d pps were so tough. I even get an A for my PE, my 1st eva A. So also duno to b happy or sad.. I din contact any1 last week coz i was tkin time to get over d sadness... bt after 1week, i realise, there's alwax many sides to a prob.. it's hw u tk/view it tt's more impt. Fail is fail le, even hav 2 stay 1more sem, also cant help it le.. i shldn't dwell on it, shld look at d bright side tt @least it's nt more serious than 2subj. Life's short, realy gt no time to go worry abt wat others might tink.

Tt day i was @ d polyclinic, so sick n cold, n all alone. Den saw others wif companion, dey all restin on d shoulders of their bf.. Seein tt makes me hope to hav a shoulder to rest on too.. Mayb coz i was sick so tt's y feel tt way.. Weeks ago i told zh nt to contact me 4d time being, then later followed by ric.. Nw hp realy v quiet,nobody sms,nobody call n talk... it's sad bt lookin fr another angle, i'm also free fr prob tt might arise wif r/s wif them...O i fell sick coz d whole week, almost 3-4 days i was wkin in d rain.
(Your Name) ♥ 8:57 PM
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
When we are BORED 1...

Tat's wat we did during business finance class... keke...
(Your Name) ♥ 11:13 PM
Sunday, June 04, 2006
hmm... since nobody blogs, i shall then. hahaha...

firstly, sian called all of us to 'supper' (our supper her dinner) but i ate my dinner liao. so didn't go. so pai seh leh. Next time i sure go! so what did u two eat? the hk teahouse one?

next, yesterday i bought a monochrome laser printer! from pc show 2006.

I've got a same ex-printer model as sian, the espon stylus one... eee. it sucked alot leh! Don't know isit cos i use cheapo ink cartridge anot, the ink very lousy lor. So one fine day, i decided to change still-quite-full ink cartridge, thinking if i change it, maybe the printout would be better.

BUT, the epson printer doesn't allow changing of ink cartridge if it's not finish! -___-

但我也不是好欺负的! cos i buay tahan going to sch to print notes etc everyday. Very xiong leh. each paper is 5cents lor. Universities should make printing FOC! We paid so much fees every semster.

so i struggled with the ink cartridge replacement thingy, kept pulling it out of its hiding place, but it die die don't want to come out. Finally, i asked my strong bro to help. HAHAHA... My bro is the strongest! Replaced the ink cartridge to a FULL one. And it can print!

BUT, print 1 page and it died on me. that ink cartridge didin't want to move totally. -_- so, for the whole of last semester, i went sch to print notes. so ma fan and ex.

Hence, yesterday i was surfing the asia.cnet.com for pc show reviews. And i found this SAMSUNG monochrome laser printer selling at $99 (Retail: $198) hehehe. such a bargain. with usb cable included!

I installed the printer liao. LASER! wow, small small print also can see v clearly. No more school 5cents printing per page.

wah. i'm good at storyteling right. hahaha. ^___^ but sian. tmr is monday blue again.
(Your Name) ♥ 11:19 AM
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