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Friday, July 28, 2006
haha. i'm very fair. i blog at my blog as well as here too! for other photos not uploaded here, it's at moi blog!

jokes of the day:

1) yq's pouch and her fake bottom c****.
2) mel's rainie yang's song called 敏感 instead of 过敏.


(Your Name) ♥ 12:04 AM
Sunday, July 23, 2006
bon anniversaire
Happy 22nd Birthday to Ros!

and welcome back guys!!! Did you all have fun in HK? heheh. UPDATE me! :D
(Your Name) ♥ 11:04 AM
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Thankeww soooo much!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanx alot leh..for takin d trouble to go cook and prepare d party for us... Xin ku ni men le...
N d present realy did come in vv handy.. Thanx again =) Also must thanx, Ros(d shocked bday gal..hehe),Qiuxi,Quixia,Lizhen,Derrick and my son,Yuen Keong for comin over n enjoy wif us...U guys n gals r d best.. So long liao we stil 2gether, so nan de n hope we could all cherish tis..til we old ;)

Liew, i look so dark..Shld hav ask sian's sis 2 join us in d pics.. Hexhex..

D pics realy funny la..background realy d same..haha..i gt alot of sian's hse pics..den huh, tt time sian's bday,ros wore a white top,i wore purple off shoulder..den yest was opposit, ros wore brown off shoulder n i wore white.. Funny..haha. Sian's hse has bcom our headquarter or sth le..

Anyway, i put my idol pic here k..wahahah..

So cute lo he...Wif the perfect hieght of 180!!!!! and ultimate gd weight of 75kg...my range is from 70-75kg, so he's lik so perfect la..wahaha
(Your Name) ♥ 8:06 PM
HaPpY B'DaE to MeL & RoS!!!

... HAPPY BDAY TO MEL & ROS!!!!!!...

wahaha...hope u guys had a great time...hee

dis is gona sound sooooo secondary skool...

FRENZ 4EVA!!! wahaha!!

May all ur wishes come true!!! =)

* hUgZ & mu@ckz*

* thx to all those who came!!...wahaha...da background very familiar hor...wahaha..exactly da same sia...u all chip in some money lah...then i can improve dat area...do a bit of deco...=P haha!

(Your Name) ♥ 3:52 PM

*though ros's is advanced celebration
(Your Name) ♥ 1:43 PM
Sunday, July 02, 2006
more cute fotos!! + Reflections + Yuan1 Wang4 arh!!!
Yoz...hope u guys njoyed my long & still...vv long Part 1 & Part 2...haha

as promised...i'm back wif da fotos....

haha shall post up more fotos of XIAO MAH!!! hahaha...too cute oredi lah....=P

..."i'm drinking my fav drink...plain water!"...

...Megawatt smile... =D

dis pic was taken when he wanted an auntie to give him a marshmellow to eat...he din say please or anything...but he juz charmed da auntie wif his smile....so smart!!

dun noe y...he kept doing dis "o" wif his mouth da whole nite...wahaha...

i'm missing xiao mah~!!! haha...soooo cute....

up nxt is yq's cute niece!

sooooo cute....sooo big beautiful eyes she has....=P

ok...now for my reflections...BUT i'm damn lazy to keep up wif my reflections...wahhaha...suppose to keep a journal for my elective one...but i'm juz pure lazy lah...haha...tot of using dis blog to use it as my journal...haha...

ok...shall blog sthg abt my electives...haha...took 2 electives dis special sem...vv lucky to get 2...cos i haf a lot of frens who can't even get one...some appealed but it was in vain....both electives are quite similiar...one is called MS8005 Effective Interpersonal Communication and the other is GP13 Personal Mastery in Managing Change....

one 1st one da tutor speaks from her experiences being a counsellor...sometimes farnie...sometimes boring...hee...but da 2nd tutor is rather interesting...got alot of interesting games for us to try...mayb u guys can try dis...

Above is a piece of square land wif 4 trees at its corner...the qn is: How do u double the size of the square land while maintaining its squarish shape, without moving the position of the trees?
Hint: try to think out of the box....hee...

One of my clazmates vv quickly came out of the answer...i was still like..."huh...wat is the tutor drawing..." =P if u noe da ans...post da ans ya? =)

the 2 lessons haf been quite relaxing...listening to da tutors' stories...& we haf watched 2 movies so far...one was I Think God Must Be Crazy (if i din remember wrongly) & The Truman Show...
the 1st movie was damn farnie...i tink some of u might haf caught it b4...it's abt dis Bushman trying to get rid of this evil thing -- it's actually juz a Coke bottle threw down by a pilot while he was flying as it had brought him & his family many problems...i tink the vcd shop may haf dis vcd...quite an old movie...

the truman show i guess some of u might haf caught it b4...was rather boring lah...i shall not summarise da story here cos i scare i might bore u guys...hee...when i more free then i blog abt it bah...if not u can rent da vcd...=P but it has some meaning oso lah....will make u question urself...if u wana live in a perfect world, with everything(ur lifestyle,career etc) being all well-planned or would u wana live in the reality world where there are many uncertainties or rather adventures that awaits u...
so wat would u choose?

I'm so happy...all da lessons gona end EARLY than i xpected!!! my last lessons will be on da 12th!!! YEAH!! haha...then....here i come HK!!! wahhaha

sori lah weiqin....we shall go another time!!! hee...we wun leave u out again...=P i dun mind going to tw again...i miss my fen yuan bing...& my guo tie!!! tink yq wana faint when she sees guo tie...wahaha...we plan for our graduation trip!! can go Korea or Australia!!

AEI...wat go out wif KL...!?!? pi leh!!! *pui* =P
i onli went for badminton ONCE wif emily, kl & their 2 clazmates lor...u all...esp YANQIN said until like i go out so many times....!@#$%^%$#@!@#$%^ anyohow say...

weiqin...tink u better use da solution kind better...cos i tink da antiseptic cream got other ingredients...so might not be dat effective....u reli mux clean it religiously one...

Mel: i oso wana go ktv!!! i oso dun noe when...wahahha...find one day...i tink shld be a wkend liao...then we go lah...mayb a sat nite...go partyworld lor...kbox too ex liao...dat time i went on a fri nite @ partyworld one...each pax paid abt 14bucks...quite ok lah...songs oso quite new...dis sat lah? wahahha...
(Your Name) ♥ 10:58 AM
since i'm waiting for the 3am match, i shall blog abit.

hey u guys going to hk right? envy leh... can travel. this hols for me is really so boring... when can 28th july come?? arghh... And, can u all leave one trip for me anot. i never travel with u all before leh! sob sob. must find a chance to go together lah! :P

ski-ing seems v nice leh! i never see snow before also... find a country got snow n ski one? then can wear the ear muffs. so cute. lol... or u all travel chi dong xi mai dong xi places? i never go tw before also... i also wan tw. hahahaha...

sian: u kept going out with KL??? omg!! update us leh. hahahaha...

oh yar. i think the antiseptic cream no good leh. i apply for first few days all got fluid come out leh. then i never apply, no fluid leh. then yq asked me on my blog, i went to apply again, then got fluid again!!! then i stopped using, no fluid! omg. i think cannot use dettol cream.
(Your Name) ♥ 12:52 AM
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