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Saturday, August 26, 2006
Nv tot adverts are effective till today... kept listening to the advert of Paris Hilton new song, Stars are Blind, on tv until i think it's quite a nice song sia... nv tot i'll go get and listen to her song man... tot she will suck in her singing like her acting skills. haha... effect of advertising can really change the mindset of ppl...

Tat's my thoughts on Advertisement... Hmmm...

anyway heard tat the mtv very lame from mel. hahaz...
(Your Name) ♥ 10:57 PM
As per request....=)
wahaha...once again...i forgot my username & password for our blog...reli getting old sia...=P after several attempts...finally logged in...=P gona blog abt my idol...Sam Lee Sheng Jie!!! he came to NTU for his 1st campus concert!! his singing...LIVE singing...beyond descriptions i tell u....nearly melted in MLT when he sang...wahaha...his singing is reli very captivating until u haf goosebumps one...too bad fototaking was not allowed then...but i still managed to 偷拍 some...heeZ...

very blur foto taken using my hp...discreetly...hee....he's damn tall lah...vv man....his voice...OMG...sori arh...i onli can tink of OMG to describe him...he's reli damn charming lah...he's not ugly lor...his face smoother le...=P

he sang many many of my fav songs...like 手放开,new songs from his latest album like 眼底星空, 很想说,关于你的歌, 重来,Angel & 最近...soooo damn nice...
his LIVE singing is reli reli tok gong one...haha...if u haven't hear him sing LIVE b4...u shld reli go & xperience it urself...wahaha...after his mini concert...he even autographed his album!! luckily i brought his album to skool...if not i reli lugi sia...haha...& i oso shook his hands!! *grinz*

he was reli gd @ da concert...his fans were quite crazy too...haha vv enthu one...from one side of da MLT...kept cheering for him & doing da kallang wave...mux be freshies...wahaha...when they did da cheering...it sounded vv man as u could like onli hear the guys shouting...even lee sheng jie oso shocked to hear dat...wahaha

too bad i missed his performance @ Babyface,One Fullerton on friday...but if he opens concert in s'pore...i sure go...die die oso mux go...haha...

da nxt campus concert was Wilber Pan's...he like onli sang 4 songs cos he wasn't feeling well dat day...down wif flu & cough...but he & Pan@sonic quite entertaining...sori din take any fotos...hee...蓝波老师's dance was nice!!

BUT i still prefer lee sheng jie =)
(Your Name) ♥ 1:13 PM
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Beachy Day...

Qin, my bros n i went Sentosa yest... We met in d mornin, set out to sentosa n reached there abt 9am.. It was abit off coz d used to b quiet beach gt some family day goin on... However, we stil able to find a shady bench... We were at Tanjong beach.. we got lotsa tings.. My bro's god ma prepared alot of tings...
Mat,plastic table "cloth", cups n plates n bowl( we each gt a set, which r of same color), water dispenser, untensils, knife n small choppin board!!!( to cut tomato, so tt it'll b fresh), a big tub of potato salad, egg mayo salad, vege1, vege2, cucumber, tomato, 3 loafs of bread, 2 packs of ham, 12 cans of coconut juice in ice bag, ice, potato chips, prawn crackers, pringles, swimmin board, flippers....n lotsa more..tink half her hse is there..haha..

We started out wif our breakfast, bee hoon, my little bro gt chee chong fan... Den relax a while liao qin, jameson n i went play beach volleyhball (ball-> courtesy of qin).. It's dam pain la.. After every hit i must "ouch" once...N i dun realy dare to hit it after a while..can die sia..i scare my vein burst..Haha.. After a while, my dad dey all wanna swim, so i also go..Bt qin dun 1, so she sat at d bench with my big bro.. dey were playin my big bro's game.. Eh..i duno wat is it call... (call Nintendo DS.. haha. =P)

After some time, we started to do wat we were there for... To build sandcastle!!!! Qin brought tis 2 Mac toy shovels, n a sea horse mould... Funny..Hahaha..realy is kids toys.. (cfm toys.. the shovels free with happy meal lor. my sis and me got one each. on top still can attach a yellow rollable thing tat looks like lemon. but didn't bring. haha. i also got 2 pails from macs leh. purple color one. but abit paisei to bring also la. some more my marbles all inside. haha.. the seahorse i found on the beach with sian when we went to east coast to take photos for my photography class assignment. haha.) My bro's god ma worse, brought 2 wooder spatulas for us to dig sand..i brought containers to make d castle body... Bt i must say our building skills sux la.. Though we r engineers...Haha.. ugly dao.... n kept collapsin.. cant make it..haha... (nah.. i seriously think the problem lies with the container. coz very soft sia the jelly cups. cannot stack one over another one. haha..) N there is a guard stand near us... gt lik about 4 lifeguards there.. Dam, dey r no where close to Bay Watch man... some fat de somemore.. Qin n i say if any1 were to drown, see them comin, rather drown den let them save... Wahaha.. N dey r bitches la.. Instead of lookin out at d sea, dey were chattin away.. Talk so loud, tryin to act beng.. Gosh.. So stupid...so low class.. After tt more n more ppl came..more n more dogs came too!!!!! it's a gd place to see doggy... Some so cute..

At noon time, we had our picnic...haha..Ate d food prepared.. Bt d sky started to turn dark.. we ate 1 round n decided to pack liao.. Jus in case rain pour down lik a bucket of water... Bt stil gt alot of food left.. My bro's god ma say cant, she wanna eat more... We thot v long, bt duno where to eat, in d end, guess wat? We went to d void deck near qin's hse..Unpacked all our stuff n ate at d void deck.. Dam funny la.. wif our busket, tubs, utensils..hahaha.. Ppl walked pass all looked at us!!!! Wat an experience!!! N i gt sun burn on my back... Pain dao...

*Ps: purple fonts are courtesy from Yan Qin. =P hmmm... where was i looking in the 1st pic?
(Your Name) ♥ 7:38 PM
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Men are hard to please
Saw tis email, find it quite interestin...n quite true too!!! haha...

Men Are Hard To Pleased->The problems with GUYS:

If u TREAT him nicely, he says u are IN LOVE with him;
If u Don't, he says u are PROUD.
If u DRESS Nicely, he says u are trying to LURE him;
If u Don't, he says u are from KAMPUNG.
If u ARGUE with him, he says u are STUBBORN;
If u keep QUIET, he says u have no BRAINS.
If u are SMARTER than him, he'll lose FACE;
If he's Smarter than u, he is GREAT.
If u don't Love him, he tries to POSSESS u;
If u Love him, he will try to LEAVE u. (very true huh?)
If u don't make love with him., he says u don't Love him;
If u do he says u are CHEAP.
If u tell him your PROBLEM, he says u are TROBLESOME;
If u don't, he says that u don't TRUST him.
If u SCOLD him, u are like a NANNY to him;
If he SCOLDS u, it is because he CARES for u. (Bullshit)
If u BREAK your PROMISE, u Cannot be TRUSTED;
If he BREAKS his, he is FORCED to do so. (another BULLSHIT @$**$&^@##@^@!%)
If u SMOKE, u are BAD girl;
If u do WELL in your exams, he says it's LUCK;
If he does WELL, it's BRAINS.
If u HURT him, u are CRUEL;
If he HURTS u, u are too SENSITIVE!! & sooo hard to please!!!!!
If u send this to guys, they will swear that it's not true.......
but if u don't, they say u are selfish.....
(Your Name) ♥ 11:03 PM
Sunday, August 06, 2006
When We Were Bored 2...
After mths passed from our special sem, ros finally sent me the drawings we did on her notes. haha. got pig spider, elephant arse and the Kodomo Lion. haha. and the famous coconut tree. hahaz.

(Your Name) ♥ 8:22 PM
The Blog of The DAY....
The blog of the day is.... School's going to start tml and it sucks to think abt it. haha. all the modules and fyp are making me giddy liao sia (juz like the superman machine in escape. haha). SIANZ.

Yesterday was like pretty fun. went to Escape then rushed back for the superband concert. legs pain due to 3.5hrs of standing. but then there was like free goodie bag sia. got one free hair dye and Goong's folder. Plus... Lightsticks provided sia. Plus Mi Lu Bing won sia. they rock! got MC hotdog and zhang zhen yue too. forgot to bring camera so only use hp to take but they suck. very blur coz zoom too much so blur. so dun post the pics up. keke.

We rode almost every rides man except for the Inverter (which was upgrading but i see no one working on it though), the ride with some Hawaiian statue ladies with a big big sun above it (dunno the name of the ride), the ferris wheel for wq and me (mel and with bro when we went to play Go Kart) and the Pan@sonic coz closed down due to the small gals accident. Ermz... attempted to conquer the Haunted House la but then after going in for less than 5mins we got cold-feet then we exit from the entrance sia. haha. we were like barely started, not even going to the 1st bend. i think the ghost also pissed la, thinking "liew... u all wanna come in or not sia?" if there is one at the 1st corner. HAhaha.

Go Kart was pretty cool too. and it's unlimited liao sia. last time one ride per pax. rode 1 beginners one and 2 advance one. yeah!! sian u lugi sia. keke. the wet rides are fun too. got pretty wet after tat. jameson didn't block any water la. all kena me. sianz. hahaz. the shooting one on the float also fun. my machine not working sia. water hardly squirt out lo. kena attack by ppl outside. their machine damn strong. far away also can kena me. =S so i'm like actually dodging from the water sia. haha. not as wet as wq, mel and jameson. they were like having war with ppl outside. haha.

Some pics @ Escape:

ermz... judging from our messy hairdo, was rather drenched after the Big Splash ride.
*mel's eyes spoil sia. close one. keke

the viking ride. got ticklish feeling. haha. laughing all the way coz the gay behing us was like screaming for his mama everytime the viking went down. keke. *ps: the gay got gf think is the black one =P

think tat's all folks. =)
(Your Name) ♥ 6:49 PM
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
calci-yum ^__^

Now abit "early" le..3.45am.. After sian n wq left our msn chat..qin n i stil talkin.. nw we stil online..haha.. Jus nw on our way to d sports hall, i was tellin her abt tis commercial v v funny de..everytime i see i'll laugh.. Yes it's d "calci-yum" commercial..i duno wat d hell is calci-yum, looks lik some kids food.. Bt is d alien in it tt makes me laugh..

D story goes like tis: Tis boy playin fribee, however duno y d fribee hit d alien head.. While d alien was angry,went over to look for d boy..he was happily eatin calci-yum.. D part tt is funny is tt d alien kept talkin in tt stupid manner, d only ting i can remem was "did u throw this"..den off it goes wif d rest cant b underst stuff... lik @%$^%$$@#@&**... Hahaha.. dam funny til i drew d commercial out..
(Your Name) ♥ 3:39 AM
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