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Sunday, July 29, 2007
take care Riss...
Sat nite was Risshe's farewell.. he's goin America to study.. Audrey(his gf) had planned tis surprise party for him.. She is soooo sweet..she book tis whole level at Blu Jaz..which cost ard 2000, gosh! it is sth lik a pub where live band could play.. n luckily enuf we hav talented frenz who played so well tt nite.. it was so memorable..

Top: yanwei, me, junlong.. Foregrd: raymond n his beloved winnie!

Risshe n Audrey, ray n win... 2 lovin couples!! riss love ray too..ahah

Junlong n me...

my jc class.. love u guys lots!!! opps gt audrey n winnie who r nt fr our class n sch, bt dey r already part of tis big family!

Hehe.. when we gt nth to do.. we tk pics!! 4 beauties-xinni, yanwei, jerline n me... of s27 *shy*

tis is d whole place.. d guys r performin on the right.. dey sang n played so well... Risshe also played n sang quite a few songs for us.. power power

Cute cute Pat n me...

yours truly again...

Pretty pretty jer...

Samuel performin...

Junlong on his saxaphone..cool sia.. all so talented

Winnie n me.. on our white wine..
(Your Name) ♥ 11:38 PM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Went to Q for my S.H.E tix at Bishan J8 yesterday... Finally got my tix after ermz almost 7hrs lo... Think some ppl are now selling the free tix at $140 lo...

My CD was like No.2533 in the Q even though I went early... 1 person maximum can collect for 2 cds... Yawnz..

Part of the crowd after moving up to level 3... the Q was like up to the mosque in Bishan...

The tix!

Mom went to Malaysia and got some Dunkin Dounuts... Managed to photographed tis 2 coz they looked cute and coz the rest got eaten up... Green one tio disfigured. the sugar stuck to the paper... sianz...
(Your Name) ♥ 1:20 AM
Monday, July 23, 2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our lovely ROS!!!
May u enjoy tis special day of ur's...

(Your Name) ♥ 1:55 PM
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to Ros,


please view in unicode
(Your Name) ♥ 1:30 PM
Thursday, July 19, 2007
my new shoe!
i bought new shoe from u.r.s ytdy! hahaha. nice anot? i hope it wont bite. got black, brown and white!

and happy belated birthday to Mel! hope u recover soon! :):)
(Your Name) ♥ 2:23 PM
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Happy Birthday to Dear MeL & RoS~!!! =)
Happie Bday to U~ x 2
Happie Bday to MeL & RoS~
Happie Bday to Uuuuuuuuuuuuuu~

P.S: Reason for sooo mannyy Uuuuuuu - Stunnnneeeddd by dat llliiizzzarrrddd O.o...*badly shaken*

May all ur wishes cum true~!!!! =P
old skool style.........
Frenz 4eva~!!! =D

***hhuggzzz*** (still shaking)
(Your Name) ♥ 12:33 AM
Monday, July 16, 2007
T-shirt frenzzy--purple sky--lizard--pizza!

my hammie.. caught it pastin it's own face on d glass.. so funny.. can see its bunny tooth =p

On one amazingly nice evenin.. where d sky is so purple.. here doesn't look so nice bt when i saw it, it was realy awesome!! PURPLE rox

k gt to talk abt tis lizard, we call it d SPASTIC lizard of my hse.. it has little movement.. @ 1st we spotted it on our livin rm floor.. we tried to 'boo' it, scare it..bt it jus move abit.. which lead us to suspect a case of blind n deaf.. it seems so blur.. den yest i saw it on my door, it has turn abit brownish, so i suspect tt it's goin to die soon, tt's y d colour change, mayb due to lack of water.. N clever me (muahaha) took a spray n spray water on it.. to my surprise, it started drinkin d water, stickin it's tongue n lick.. Haha.. 1st time i dare to see a lizard so upclose... i din see it 2day..duno has it gone to heaven..

tis d new cheese fondue pizza..had it for 2nites sia.. abit gross out by those cheese le.. bt overall it's yummy.. so long as u dun hav too much of it..

these r t-shirts eunice gt for my little bro n i.. she went HK..n she went d Espirit warehse tt we wanted to go bt duno where d hell it was de.. it's nt exactly tt cheap..ard 20 per tee..bt she bought so many for us sia.. also gt United colours, sisley, quiksilver, diesel.. also gt me a coin pouch in d middle of d pic..on top is colourful bag tt i alwax thot it looks lik boxers wif tt band of brand across it..

these r for my bro..
(Your Name) ♥ 8:05 PM
Friday, July 13, 2007
Doughnut Craze
Me and yanqin manage to buy some Doughnuts from Vinco the doughnut palour at Vivocity. quite lucky.

U see yanqin eat until so happy u should know how it taste like. The chocolate delight is what she was eating! heez.

(Your Name) ♥ 3:08 AM
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
my presizz

pearl necklace n earrings set fr dad.. coz i wanted a pearl necklaces.. den so qiao he bought for me =)

Eunice gt me tis diamond studs fr Soo kee... it's so ex la..for sth so small.. $559... though she gt 200bucks discount..stil must top up 300+.. i paisay sia.. she had already treated me a meal n movie n a top.. bt she say it's for my bday n grad.. haha.. so nice of her..
(Your Name) ♥ 4:01 PM
Ros n Qin pei-ed me to TTSH yest for blood test n xray stuff.. Manz,it was super duper long.. paisay gt to make them wait for so long.. den after tt we went to the new shoppin centre--> square 2..

tis is a korean 'la cao nian gao'.. flour sticks thingy..cooked in chilli sauce.. gd if u lik chewy tings lik pearls.. it's $3 for a box lik tis..i tink quite ex..

some stuff we bought fr tis korean supermkt there (on d left), tt bottle is bulgogi sauce.. Ros bought to try out.. we had mango drinks at tis shop tt provided us a place to sit n chit chat..

After tt, qin went d glass hse Fish n Co to meet up her pri sch frenz.. Ros n i went Manhattan at PS instead. It is nice leh..much much nicer than Fish n co i tink..

we shared this flamin seafood platter for 2.. gt fish,crispy salted sotong, mussels, flaming prawn (gt some sauce on top,den d waiter wil use flame to burn d top), fries n garlic rice.. Yummy! bt abit too much for us..we stil left quite alot of fries cant finish de..
(Your Name) ♥ 3:18 PM

it's going to be u all turn soon! Do remember to organise one trip down to esplanade or where ever to take photos with me!
Congrats to NUS Class of 2007 Electrical Engineeering! :)

more photos will be uploaded on my LJ blog soon!

(Your Name) ♥ 12:54 AM
Sunday, July 08, 2007

went shoppin wif my dad dey all on sat.. n n..bought another pair of shoes.. *faint* coz tt day heard u all say better to hav heel, wear le more pro lookin.. so i gt tis, it gt a little heel below..jus nice, nt too high de.. bt i tink it'll giv me hell time wearin it, coz rather hard d shoes..

tt's d size of d cupcake..

Got tis cupcakes fr my dad's fren who is gettin married... so nice lo d weddin gift cakes nwadays.. n when i open up... **look below**

TA DA!!! wa piangz..super duper pretty lo.. giv me a sweet n lovin feelin.. dey r small small de..realy look v pretty. Bt dey r nt realy nice..abit hard.. bt for appearance lik tis, i'm willin to overlook d taste standard.. Hexhex

a pic i drew... Haha.. simply LOVEEE tis 2 msn emoticons.. Esp tt white thingy there.. duno wat is it though, mouse?kitty?rabbit? anyway tt action it does on msn is jus so cuteeee...
(Your Name) ♥ 10:00 PM
Missing Person Alert!
Hey peeps... Heard from my fren today tat his fren's sis gone missing for like 1 week sia... Police report made but then they are like not really taking action coz the gal is like 19 yr old which made the Police to presume her case is highly possible a runaway case. however, her family seriously thinks otherwise and they have been searching for her everyday since her missing... her bro even skipped school juz to search for her everyday... so hope u guys can go to this link http://poww.livejournal.com/97634.html to check out her photos, keep a lookout and pass tis message ard. Thanks!
(Your Name) ♥ 1:11 AM
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Heels.... I.HATE.UUUUUU!!!
Liew... went for 1st interview today at millenia towers. and idiotly wore heels coz look more formal and stuff... ended up suffering even before reaching marina square... nv will i try to wear heels again man...

Cost for wearing heels:
1. Not 1 but 2 big fat blisters on my poor little middle toes.. One on each side... Poor little things.
2. Aches on my ankles... while walking its like super high in stress... like anytime will break sia...
3. My waist also ache lor. O.o

Evidence of the torture my toes suffered...

Dunno wat to do with the fluid inside... Haiz...

Anyway went to watch Transformers with Sian today... It's a pretty cool show. Not a moment will u will bored.. =)
(Your Name) ♥ 12:56 AM
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Hey paisay..here's d more proper pics..Haha

Poor ros 'xiao mian yang' shoes coz her feet to b covered with plasters...
(Your Name) ♥ 10:43 PM
nv ren wo zui da!
heheh. good things must share. was watching this from morning til now. not bad, can learn something, better than its magazine. I watched at this crunchyroll.com website. It loads FAST! DAMN FAST! somemore is one episode by one episode, no different parts. But u need to register before watching, don't worry, it's gong cha! meaning free in korean. :)


this teaches u some basic sunblocking and natural makeup. it also mentioned UVA, UVB, UVC! i didn't know there's UVC. think mel/ros told me there is when we went shopping once? forgot who.

AND! you must do some basic sunblock even facing the computer!!! omg. i think i could have been fairer... lol.

so the first thing we should do in the morning is not to brush ur teeth. i supposed it should be wash ur face and put sunblock.



oh i going to post the miserable pics that we taken during last thurs. I took candid shots of mel/ros at mac. pls don't kill me. :D think got some pics with mel too.

Makeup Talk Part I. hmm. seriously looking at the Benefits brochure.

They talked makeup, me and qin took pic.

Makeup Talk Part II. talking abt lipstick/gloss? looks like right. mel touch lip, ros teaching. lol.

try again. lol. i hate my hair!
(Your Name) ♥ 12:01 PM
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