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Thursday, August 30, 2007
outdated pics.. =p
Suddenly remem i gt some pics of us..way too delay..haha..bt it's better b late den nv.. =)
tt day, cant recall d date, sian, qin, qin's sis n me went Aston for supper. After dey shopped at orchard. We all had chicken chop.. Hhaha.. jus tt dey r prepared differently. n also ordered tis sausage platter.. d price is realy reasonable.. i would say cheap for the food we gettin..

(p.s. to my some1 who is readin tis, remem to pei me go there eat hor..hexhex =p)

tis is abit more ex, 12+..

all these chicken chops are jus 5.90!! wif 2 sides dishes

These r d after swensen's nite.. Haha..again, i forgt d exact date.. pardon me.. too many tings to remem nwadays.. o o..i remem,i pei qin for check up, den ros n wq joined us after tt for some shoppin sessions.. n our sian joined us durin dinner time..

after swensen's.. at wat hotel is tt? haha..

(Your Name) ♥ 9:29 PM
Monday, August 27, 2007
assigned mission by ros =S
went to cut hair on thurs rite... then ros suddenly gave me a mission to complete... she suddenly pop a qn out while i was eating LJS lo... the qn was how snakes reproduce? we did like some analysis on how chickens reproduce since both creatures lay eggs... but still we dun have any clue and tat's when ros say "u go find out since u so free..." =_=

evidence of me being too free: checked out on how to use the correct pronunciation on 血(xie3) or 血(xue4) in a sentence... Note: it's not 血(xue3)... no such pronunciation lo =P after looking up the dictionary me and wq still dunno how to use them correctly lo... too chims liao...

being a kind fren yet again, i help ros researched on her snake qn "How Snakes Reproduce?"

In snakes and lizards, males have a pair of intromittent organs called hemipenes, protrusible saclike diverticula at the entrance of the cloaca. During copulation, the retractor muscles of the hemipenes relax, turning the sacs inside out and allowing the flow of semen along a groove into the female's cloaca. Only one hemipenis is inserted in the female's cloaca during copulation.

Another Ans given by wikipedia:
A wide range of reproductive modes are used by snakes. All snakes employ internal fertilization, accomplished by means of paired, forked hemipenes, which are stored inverted in the male's tail. Most snakes lay eggs, and of most those species abandon them shortly after laying; however, some species are ovoviviparous and retain the eggs within their bodies until they are almost ready to hatch. Recently, it has been confirmed that several species of snake are fully viviparous, such as the green anaconda, nourishing their young through a placenta as well as a yolk sac, highly unusual among reptiles, or indeed anything else outside of placental mammals. Retention of eggs and live birth are commonly, but not exclusively, associated with cold environments, as the retention of the young within the female allows her to control their temperature more effectively than if the developing young were in external eggs.

(some useful definition:
  • Viviparous organisms, including almost all mammals (such as whales, kangaroos and humans) bear their young live. The developing young spend proportionately more time within the female's reproductive tract. The young are later released to survive on their own, with varying amounts of help from the parent(s) depending on the species.
ros... i think the how chicken reproduce is not the same as the one u told me... it's not like the hen lay eggs 1st then the male chickens go and sit on them then change the hen sit to like warmth the eggs...

this is the explanation of how chicken reproduce:
Chickens reproduce in a manner similar to some other animals. The female produces an egg which if fertilized can result in a baby chick. The true egg, the part that develops into the embryo, is located on the egg yolk. The yolk begins to develop in the ovary and after 10-12 days of development, ovulation occurs. If the female has been mating with a male, sperm will be present and fertilization can occur. The male chicken does not have a penis and therefore there is no penetration of the female reproductive tract at the time of mating. Instead the female inverts the cloaca (site of the common junction of the reproductive and digestive systems) which comes in contact with the male’s inverted cloaca and receives the sperm. The cloaca is then drawn back into the hen’s body and the sperm are captured. They then begin the journey up the length of the reproductive system. The sperm live inside the female reproductive system and each time an ovulation occurs (every 24-26 hours in good egg producers) the egg can become fertile. This process continues and matings at 7 - 10 day intervals are necessary to maintain fertility. After fertilization occurs the egg albumen, shell membranes, and shell are added to complete the egg formation process. The chicken usually lays the egg about 24 hours after ovulation.

eeeeeesk... too many words... think u read liao u will sleep lo. i go KO lo... toodles!
(Your Name) ♥ 1:53 AM
updates on the little one... =)
yesterday pop by my sis house with my little sis after some little shopping at tampines b4 meeting sian they all for dinner/supper at pasir ris... okok... the real motive was to look at the ultrasonic scans of the little one... along the way to her house, i taught my little sis a new way of playing rock, scissors or paper (kk... i admit it's like leeched from yu le 100%...) and we were laughing like crap coz sometimes we did real silly stunts tat will cfm make us the losers...

how to play: normal method of playing is to show either rock, scissors or paper and see who win. but in tis case, we 1st show one of the option on the left hand. then show one more option on the right hand. but then tis is not the end... each of the player muz withdraw one of their options and see who's the ultimate winner... easy... it juz adds to the fun of the mundane way of playing tis game. hahaz... nxt time we play!

taught my elder sis tis game too when we reached her house... dunno whether she's like zai in tis game or tat the little one brought luck to her lo... she kept winning me sia... sianz... also QC-ed my new S.H.E karaoke dvd in her house since her tv is like big and new and nice and big and big... =) she actually wanted to like start a small ktv session with my dvd... but who noes her new mic cannot work... sucks sia... no sound one. so after like trying for 15mins we gave up... hahaz... nxt time go her house try again!

kk... time to show the latest updates on the little one! ermz... but not sure how many weeks is the little one in when the scans were taken... Ju if u reading tis blog u can tag tag us to tell us the weeks... hahaz...

week 8: hahha... not sure which is the head and the body...

week 9: the little one is growing bigger and bigger by day lo... can see the little one's little hand lo... trying to block the face... hahaz... tis time now we noe where's the head... =)

oh oh... i found a new feature on blogspot... can upload video directly... no need to like upload to youtube in order to get the url... hahaz.. saved us the hassel...
(Your Name) ♥ 12:55 AM
Sunday, August 26, 2007
BBQ nite
Hey see see..my prove.. nt tt i dun wanna join u all..bt i realy gt BBQ, a small one to celebrate ray's n win's bday.. see the presents!!!

i went Zara wif yanwei n les to get ray's top,den yw n i jus soon pian walk ard at zara.. u noe we 2 wk til v deprived of shoppin le.. can jus ke lian me abit nt.. n worse is,i din even buy anythin..grr grr....i lik d bag we bought for Win, yw also bought 1, same design bt diff colour.. quite nice leh.. bt i must save for LV =p

Nah see.. my prove.. d mango cake fr RIve(i duno d correct spellin, bt is d place where dey hav d best TIRAMISU!!!) is superb!

K we left some food, so we played indian poker.. n suay enuf, fr d pic u can see, i gt d lowest.. Sianx, gt to down a plate of food tt dey added in.. n tt les, put alot lo.. we played true or dare, old maid, zhong ji mi ma, stil gt some others.. was a realy fun nite!

sianx..tt's d plate i need to eat.. it looks little, bt wif a stomach already max out wif food, tt's alot of food!!

d food we hav r of standard.. THANX ray n win for preparin them.. gt bacon wrap wif golden mushroom and bacon wif asparagus.. n pork chop..otah..hotdog..marsmallow..

Junlong startin d fire.. dey funny lo,les yw n i were stil at orchard, he,ray n win went les's hse themselves to prepare le..

see tt pp, it writes, wat pit no, n even put Mr Lester Yue.. ahah..

d bday couple wif their presents.. d top ray's wearin n d bag he's carryin.. tt's d bag i was talkin abt..

k i was realy realy tired..my eyes cant open lo..

Audrey n ray..makin faces

Les concentratin on his mango cake.. or otherwise.. in deep thots abt...hmmmmmm... ahaha.. MI MI

--4 beauties--
(Your Name) ♥ 10:06 PM
shopping day
hahaha. went out with the gers - ros/sian again! shop shop shop. makan makan makan. merx is bad lo, don't want come to orchard. Mel even worse, say got bbq, but someone spotted her at zara in the afternoon. sad... she doesn't want to shop with us.

well, all of us bought bags today! lol. with highest spender sian, on par with ros. I least! :D ros bought dress again too! after shopping, we decided to go whitesands hk cafe makan dinner. i didn't know it's 24 hrs on fri sat sun!

The food was pretty nice i think. and we were v full!!! chatted til like 0030 then left. hahaha. and sian no last bus home. i didn't know bus 15 so early no bus one lo!

erm. i dunno wat this called. that is pork. nice soup.

ros's curry noodle. NICE la! but eat alot then quite ni also.

my baked rice. i don't like, cos got tomato. i like all pure cheese de.

chicken wanton noodle? i think so. not bad also. lol. must ask merx for opinion

the drinks. yuan yang and hk milk tea. i like milk tea!

those who wanna see merx new hairstyle can see le! lol. think short hair makes one look more refresh lo!

i think ros purposely put her hand up to show off the watch. muahaha

yanqin and weiqin :)

and i like vivi, the bimbo magazine. ros is so nice, never charge me 20cents per page. lol

(Your Name) ♥ 1:24 AM
Friday, August 24, 2007
Queen Amidala... Eh... Queen Amidala Ros. =P
haha... went for a haircut with ros at far east maison... ros did her perm with some unknown chemical... but outcome not bad lo... saw something resemblance while in the perming process... very cute =)

(pic of ros tio deleted coz being threatened by ros not to show or else risk my life... sorry guys... juz imagine something like Queen Amidala lo. hahhaz)

(Your Name) ♥ 12:23 AM
Saturday, August 18, 2007
~Shop Shop Shop~
today tio con by ros to accompany her to NTU for the collection of her CCA records at 1130am... being a good fren though i noe i gonna get con, i still decided to go with her in such a stormy weather best for sleeping... heehee... climbed like mountains in order to reach the student affairs office... tired dao~ sch's as grey as usual... very boring... along the way of our trekking trip, we saw like zillion of students mugging like crazy, highlight their notes like free sia. hello~ it's like the 2nd week of sch and lessons ain't proper yet... can't remember us taking our notes out unless quiz and exams were like 3days away...

after ntu, ros and i headed to bugis to do some shopping... went to like simlim to get my dvd-r discs and ros's webcam... got quite a good deal for the webcam and it's quite clear... tested the quality juz awhile ago with ros on msn. hahaz her sis did like puppet show without sound for me to watch. hahaz...

me and ros bot like a top each... hers more hua... coz it's like shirt and skirt in 1 for the price of 1 lo... hahaz... overall ros bot like a dress, vivi mag, double eyelid cream, webcam...

Tis is wat ros bot... Quoting her: "She's broke now!!"

for me juz the top, dvd-r discs, and 2 gainer facial masks nia...

my stuff =) :

the top from double index...

mask... ros say can see effect like 1 day of application... let's see...

50 disc of dvd-r for 22bucks... cheapest from wat i saw in all the shops... we realised atf though same shopname, prices varies as well as warranty period also... tsk tsk... heng we smart nv tio con. =P

met sian after her work too... 1 week we need to meet like 2 times... so cool. muz continue if not life will be boring... she spreed in like 10mins after reaching bugis... damn zai... bot like 3pants from g2000 blu lo... no wonder she's like our shopping queen... hahaz... dinner was at 1st thai.. food as usual was good over there... blurp! =)

Our dinner

oh did i mention ros treated me meiji collagen drink coz i am such a good fren? the drink was on promotion. buy 1 get 1 free but it's ain't cheap... anyway the drink tasted like crap. our tongue went paralyze after drinking it for a while. juz hope it does it's work for the beauty effect... not sure wat it will do la... ppl drink i drink... hahahaz... =)
(Your Name) ♥ 1:24 AM
Wednesday, August 15, 2007






O no.. my tendency of agin is quite high too =s

(Your Name) ♥ 9:44 PM
JuZ fOr FuN!
here's some info on the qns i posted on the zoo trip! =)

Qn: zebras have white skin with black stripes or black skin with white stripes??

Ans: Zebras are black with white stripes and their bellies have a large white blotch for camouflage purposes.

Qn: how to differentiate leopard, cheetah and jaguar juz by looking at their fur?

Ans: The coarse, short fur of the Cheetah is tan with round black spots measuring from 2-3 centimetres (¾ to 1¼ inches) across, affording it some camouflage while hunting. There are no spots on its white underside, but the tail has spots, which merge to form four to six dark rings at the end.

The base coat of the jaguar is generally a tawny yellow, but can range to reddish-brown and black. The cat is covered in rosettes for camouflage in its jungle habitat. The spots vary over individual coats and between individual Jaguars: rosettes may include one or several dots, and the shape of the dots varies. The spots on the head and neck are generally solid, as are those on the tail, where they may merge to form a band. The underbelly, throat and outer surface of the legs and lower flanks are white.

The leopard skin has large black-rimmed blotches, each containing a number of dots and it resembled the pattern of a jaguar or clouded leopard. However, leopard is of lighter build compared to jaguar.
(Your Name) ♥ 4:46 AM
Zoo Trip~ part 2
here goes the sequel to our zoo trip! heehee...

some other birdy again... i tot tis isn't jurong bird park?? =P

the zebras... so qn of the day: do zebras have white skin black stripes or black skin white stripes??? we ponder... hmmmm....

hey... watcha looking at?? not the zebra ass k... the focus shld be on the hunting dog being...

shit... i forgot wat these little animals called... mel help!! only remembered they from starred in madagascar and sang "we gotta move it move it"... hahahaz

anyway dunno wat they staring at lor... stare till so engross until all their bodies slant 1 angle. hahaz...

still staring when we came back like 30mins later...

they very cute... 3 of them hug hug each other while staring again... hahaz...

my fav animal in the Zoo~ the giraffe...

always wonder wat is the function of the 2 balls at the top of the giraffe head ever since i saw the toys'r'us giraffe... so i asked alot of ppl tis qn through out the yrs and each of them gave me diff ans... some lame ans include: use for communication with another giraffe, used for weather forecast, same as tv antenna for reception, and the most ridiculous ans is to store ermz... sperms... hahahaz...

finally got the real ans from the zoo... saw a skull of a dead giraffe in a showcase... and the board said tat they are actually the horns of a giraffe. dun see them like flimsy lo... they have like bones beneath the skin lo.. quite thick some more... the board also said tat male giraffes can have up to 5 such horns lo... however i nv see any such wierdo giraffe b4... it will look like monster ba... anyway i always tot giraffes fight with their necks instead... y need horns for??

saw the ostriches too when we were in the raised pavilion to view the giraffe... the ostriches were opp of them... saw 2 of them from far so we decided to make some like noisy to attract them to come nearer to the pavilion... managed to trick them to come nearer to us...

see they walking towards us lo...

cute rite? look as if it was like smiling to our camera... hahaz... in actual fact it's like trying to bite our legs lor. at 1st we tot it's like trying to peck some grass or wat tat was growing on the pavilion then realised there isn't any growth there... so we spotted the attack... JIANZ... hahaz...

evidence of attack 1

evidence of attack 2

some other deer deer...

leopard, jaguar or cheetah? lunaz liao... (part2)

leopard, jaguar, cheetah sha sha fen bu qing chu... muz see their spots lo... chims

gigantic pineapple!! chey... fake one... hahaz

say pineapple~

besides the snakes section think jameson like the polar bears... since he wanna see the polar bears again we went down for a 2nd look of it after the crowd dispersed after the animal show..

inuka swimming...

think tis is sheba...

polar bears are said to be able to grow up to 3m tall... see how short we are comparing to a polar bear.

LS caught on candid camera...

camel?? nope... it's called LAMA... wahahhaaz... camel look alike without the humps... we can't find camels sia... supposed to have one... but they MIA sia...

mel's fav pic... look as if the head of the lama is a bunch of grass...

cute sia... eating leaves...

foxy... ermz... they really give out some hu chou wei... but diff from the hu chou wei of humans... hahahahaz...

the king of the jungle also MIA lo... only managed to see all his queen and concubines... sianz...

other animals mia-ing includes... flamingo, sunbear, tapir... think got more. but can't remember liao...

some other random pics...

the thingy behind of mel look like the head of a doggy lo... can u guys see??

our final pic of the day... =) the trip was a fruitful one... at least one qn of my mind being solved... hahaz... nxt time shld go try night safari liao lo... nv go b4 sia... noob lo... if not try sentosa... wanna play luge... heard tat's the most fun thing in sentosa now... hahaz...

my task is done... yeah! chiong blogging this zoo trip lo... hahaz... gotta sleep liao... toodles!
(Your Name) ♥ 2:30 AM
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