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Sunday, September 30, 2007
Sat nite~ 29 sep.07
Sat sian, qin n i met to go tamp walk walk n buy ingredients to cook for dinner.. As usual, we bought tings den go sian's hse cook.. Lizhen n yiting join us in d evenin..

Our all time fav! Spaget n seaweed chicken!! YUM YUM.. cant get enuf of seaweed chic!!

tryin hard to open tt closin eyes of mine.. was realy tired.. Coz we met d nite b4, n sat mornin, sian had course, qin gt tuition n i gt wk.. so by Sat evenin we r all v slpy le..

Sian taught Lizhen n i hw to make oreo cheesecake.. cool! i love d crust though my family tink it's v hard.. bt i love tt tinge of bitterness in it.. it goes realy well wif d other sweet part of d cake..

Cake makin is fun! zhen n sian at wk...

d CRUST in d makin..

missin sth tt i'd lost..... =(
(Your Name) ♥ 8:05 PM
Fri nite 28~29 sep.07
Met qin on fri nite at orchard to get her hp.. She finally bought her sony ericsson, 950i(did i get tis rite?).. anyway her green hp can send to museum liao.. Haha..even d hp dealer was makin a joke out of it.. Keke.. After tt we met sian at katong.. it was ard 10plus liao lo..

we had bak ku teh, it was called 'scholar bak ku teh', 2gether wif baby ka lan, n thai style chicken.. However, we 4gt to tk pics of them.. Despite tt, i manage to get a substitute pic of bak ku teh, coz i had bak ku teh again on sat wif my colleagues(tis is at my wk place de,nt bad also).. dey look similar, both black soup base.. Haha..

After main course, we were lookin for place to eat ice cream.. Bt as time was rather late le, tink 1am.. realy gt no where to go.. so we went T2 to check out if there's any shops stil open.. We found a 24hrs breeks.. There is also a HK cafe there..bt we were too sick of HK cafe le..

Qin n i had ice cream....

BTW.. it's Qin's TREAT... ahah.. Thanx qin ;p

Sian had tis black forest mocha, which we tink was nt bad.. d coffee taste is there.. at least nt so milky which i hate..
(Your Name) ♥ 6:46 PM
Monday, September 24, 2007
::Moony nite::
Went out wif my jc pals on sun nite.. it was a nite organised by our so 'excited' co-ordinator, les.. o o, i must show u all his sms to all of us:

"Hello ppl, we will b havin a dinner cum latern party tmr.. As for d place, being a man who pracise democracy, i wil tk in suggestions.. AS for d time, we shall meet at 7.48pm k? d latest d party wil end is at 1037 as we guys want to rush off to watch soccer.. if gt any suggestions of any things tt d gals can do at tt time(ie. KTV, foot reflexology, massage..) feel free to feedback to me.. n 1 more ting, d 1st 5 ppl to reply wil get a free lantern fr raymond. so reply fast.."

Ray said tis sms is 4 sms long.. n he sms us, when all of us were chattin 2gether on msn.. n even more clever ting he did, he sms Risshe also!! ahah..riss is in america boy.. i noe u miss him alot, bt askin him to fly back to play latern is v ex lo.. Keke..

Nxt day i receive another sms fr him:

"ahem.. referring to d sms i sent yest, we will b goin to a place in bedok to eat nice food. we will meet at ard 7.32pm.. as d exact place is hard to describe in tis sms, ray has agreed to bring u all to d place fr bedok interchange.. Haha.. as a organiser, i need to carter to d everybody requests, so if any1 needs a lift, u can request for it and i'll make d arrangements.. to ensure tt nobody ignores me, d 1st 5 who reply wil get complimentary drinks fr ray later..so reply fast!.. Haha"

Pengz.. sorry, i cant help bt to show every1 hw 'creative' u r... Wahaha.. wat i can say man.. tis boy is rich.. duno where to spend $$ rite.. told u liao.. buy my "never full" la.. ;p

K jokes apart, we went eat at bedok, a sumptous dinner i must say.. 6 dishes ala carte wif rice.. den we headed down to bedok reservoir to play lantern n watch moon.. suppose to eat moony bt we decided to go ray's hse den eat..

We started a campfire...

Ray trys hard to find chance to burn lantern.. he is so eager to burn them.. Whenever there is lantern tt 'accidentally' caught fire, he'll b so happy.. Note i put 'accidentally' huh.. Haha..

Look at d grim on his face.. tt poor lantern..

dey basically burn anythin n everythin.. burn til nth to burn liao.. here comes d dried leaves..

Love tis pic.. d flame looks so BEAUUUUTIFUL.. it's purple!

Remem tis brand of candle?!! it has been ard since i can remem.. tink dey hav gotten patent to b lantern's candle??

see burn n burn.. stil save wanna save d earth.. Haha.. no la.. d smoke mostly coz by d sparklers.. realy smoky

Our sparklers were too short, dey burnt out v v fast.. we haven swing a few times den d flame goes off le

Nice candles by jl n win

Tradition lanterns.. bt their fate is... sent for cremation after we played...

win's flowery mat.. so cute n cosy.. we gt to squeeze to sit inside.. haha

can see d moon? see bside d edge of d lantern.. there's a small white dot there.. there u go.. tt's d moon.. Haha

d moon was so small.. so i decided to zoom in.. tt's d best i can go..

gt nicer lanterns.. lik wat sian's hav.. cartoons de..they hav better fate den d traditional 1.. dey manage to save their lives tt nite coz dey r prettier..

uploaded tis pic..coz i tink v funny.. looks lik d ones we took at sian's place few yrs ago..

After tt we went ray's hse to eat moony.. n dey watch Man u vs chelsea after tt..Go Man U go! Hahah
(Your Name) ♥ 10:09 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
::Won't go home w/o you::
Hey peeps. gt tis nice song to share..

By Maroon5, won't go home w/o u..

Sian sent me their songs i find tis 1 realy nice.. duno if i gt d youtube site rite coz my office com gt no sound de.. bt it shld b d 1..

here's d lyrics..

I asked her to stay but she wouldn't listen
She left before I had the chance to say
Oh The words that would mend the things that were broken
But now it's far too late, she's gone away

Every night you cry yourself to sleep
Thinking: "Why does this happen to me?Why does every moment have to be so hard?"
Hard to believe that

It's not over tonight
Just give me one more chance to make it right
I may not make it through the night
I won't go home without you

The taste of her breath, I'll never get over
The noises that she made kept me awake
Oh The weight of things that remain unspoken
Built up so much it crushed us everyday

Every night you cry yourself to sleep
Thinking: "Why does this happen to me?Why does every moment have to be so hard?"
Hard to believe that

It's not over tonight
Just give me one more chance to make it right
I may not make it through the night
I won't go home without you

Of all the things I felt but never really shown
Perhaps the worst is that I ever let you go
I should not ever let you go, oh oh oh

It's not over tonight
Just give me one more chance to make it right
I may not make it through the night
I won't go home without you
Tink tis line "Every night you cry yourself to sleep
Thinking: "Why does this happen to me?Why does every moment have to be so hard?" is very sad yet touchin....

(Your Name) ♥ 9:04 AM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
LV frenzie..
Hey Qin, this is the 'Never Full' bag.. i saw b4..bt dun realy lik coz d handle v thin.. i scare wait suffer d same fate as my bag.. broke..haha.. bt cool ting is reversible.. below is d reverse side.. Nt bad lookin..
Gt any kind soul out there who can buy me tis (**mel wif pitiful, watery eyes look, shooting out d stars*******) =p

(Your Name) ♥ 10:13 PM
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Excitin Sat
Our fun sat started off wif lizhen,ros, qin n i trip to orchard..ros need to go xchange her cardigan which d sales person had given her d wrong piece. Amazingly, d 4 of us din buy anythin at all.. Mayb is coz we had bought alot of tings on fri?? Hehe..

we had lunch at Han's at Far east.. Far east is the place dey report to every week.. haha

Ros n i ordered blak pepper chicken.. Yummy..

our side dishes, mushroom soup, toast, watermelon and lemon teas... a fillin meal.. stomach bloated sia..

Lizhen's aglio olio.. abit cheated coz no meat de..

Qin only ordered tis mango smoothie.. she say too milky..so nt v nice..

After tt, sian joined us at nite.. we went tis fishin/prawnin place at marina.. Cool place coz quite ulu so u wun feel so stress out lik in bustlin orchard.. a gd place to go relax.. it's open air..so nice..can feel d breeze.. bt it rained abit while we were there.. Luckily it stopped soon.. so was quite coolin..24hrs somemore.. gd gd!

i must say we sux at prawnin.. we were at d opp side,bt since no prawn we shifted place.. haha.. Qin n lizhen..

Sian n i.. opp of them.. ros tkin d pics.. haha..
must mention sth.. gt tis idiot dumb family, took over our original place, took over our table.. n dirty my umbrella wif water fr prawn.. dey super no manners k, jus push our stuff aside.. n even commented tt i wore miniskirt there.. Busybody lo! BITCHES.. Haha..

Our catch.. **shy** can see our prawn? tt tiny little 1 on sian's hand.. 2.5hrs.. n we only caught 2.. there was an uncle there, super li hai..caught alot.. Basically every1 caught more than us.. Abit throw face.. Keke..

D uncle tt mended d place was laughin his head off i tink.. so small prawns n we stil happily takin pic.. Hahaha..

our small cute little prawn..

k d uncle cant tk it.. he lent us a bigger prawn to tk pics.. Kekekekekke..
dam funny.. we made d most sound there, screamin when we see d prawn, when ros n i caught prawn n when prawn jump near to ros..Haha.. most noise..bt least catch..

see see.. d big big prawn!!! bt nt us.. sadded.. ;)

d hand so big lo..

We thot would hav prawns as our supper.. my our 2 tiny catch nt even enuf for a person.. So we set off to d usual HK cafe bt d new outlet at East coast.. It's big n more variety of food..

Our Drinks.. Yummy mango pomelo, ribena lemon n sian's all time fav, yuan yang...

Lizhen rich, order d yuan yang spagetti, wif seafood in cream sauce at 1 side, d other side is porkchop in portugese sauce.. V nice leh! Sian's food on d right is curry pork chop noodle.. Portion smaller bt also nt bad!

My seafood roll.. is nice bt we were too full to enjoy it.. Qin's order is baked mince beef wif rice.. tinkin of it makes me salivate sia..

My sweet n sour noodle.. ok, alot of vinegar.. i lik..

Ros stir fried udon.. small portion also bt also nice.. i must say HK cafe food did improve fr d v 1st time i tried it..

Prawnin is fun.. bt our 2 prawns were so ex.. coz we had 2rods, which cost us $48!! so 1 prawn is 24bucks.. Woot! Bt we shall go again rite gals.. HAhah.. it was soooo fun!
(Your Name) ♥ 4:36 PM
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