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Saturday, October 27, 2007
Stupid fun nite..
Met up wif my jc frenz yest.. it has been quite some time since i met them.. or nt? Haha..

went Newton for dinner..den took a stroll at Botanic garden.. it was 10plus le.. nt romantic lo.. i was quite scare act.. Haha..so dark n eerie.. end up we came back east side.. Went tis newly open board game cafe at 85.. d rate is decent.. 9 per person.. wif 2 bowls of chips n free flow of drinks.. N i REALY mean FREE FLOW.. It was realy fun coz we literally had d place to ourselves, beside another table..

We thot tt we need forfeit.. so we asked d waiter, since d drinks r free flow, y nt let us hav them as forfeit.. dey stun.. Ahha.. i asked could we have d chips for our forfeit.. Tink we too wu liao already.. end up.. d waiter gav us those tings below.. wigs, weird glasses.. n we were laughin our heads off..

Les gt so many forfeit.. Ahaha.. most of d pics r on him.. Keke.. Les dun kill me if u see tis.. bt u r realy... realy.... realy... cute.. ahahahhahah

My little bro looked dam funny!!

Win d angel..

We played Pictionary.. K les drew sth lik tis initially (btw, tis pic was drawn by my bro, bt les drew sth similar b4 tis) n we guess n guess.. It was a dog! is jus les way of drawin a dog.. durh....
After tt he drew a house.. so i guess it to b kennel.. am rite..

K so back to tis pic.. (anyway, forgt to say, les n my lit bro r in a grp...hahaa...).. my bro drew tis.. so wif d initial experience.. we guess wat eva farm animal n mammal we could tink off.. all wrong..

My bro said he duno hw to draw tt ting.. after some time of guessin.. Les suddenly came out wif Hippopotamus! we thot it was dam lame.. hw could b hippo.. were laughin lik hell.. n the worst ting was.. my lit bro said.. "u r rite".. WA PIANGZ... we literally all fell n roll on floor laughed k.. laughed til wanna choke n cry... No matter which direction we see.. we cant see a hippo lo.. n tt CLEVER Les act could guess it rite.. O miaannn.. we said he had same frequency as my bro.. d whole nite dey could talk.. talk abt tings we dun even wanna join in.. Keke...

Tt glasses gt moustache 1.. n it's gross la.. coz it's near d mouth.. n when dey breathe, dey breathe in d moustache.. ahaha.. tt stick on ray's hand, it's supposedly use to catch d attention of d waiter if u hav any prob.. funny.. coz dey alwax cant see.. it's better to call them out..
(Your Name) ♥ 11:19 PM
Went ate tim sum wif qin,dad, eunice,my bros n bro's frenz on hari raya day.. was quite an amazin n authentic place for tim sum at chinatown..nt yum cha, bt call red star i tink.. Then we went vivo for some daiso shoppin n ate again at Marche..ahah.. a whole day of food..

my dream bf..haha

qin's dream bf... ahaha

K realy gt many random pics.. Below r pics i took at Tuas.. d v end of tuas where i can look out to d sea.. stime i'm realy glad tt i took up civil line..coz i get to see many weird places of spore tt i tink i would nv see if i'm nt in tis line...

d whole area is mainly vast empty land mass.. wif v little trees.. even if there r, they r small trees..d whole place is lik an oven!! no wonder i fell ill..

in Scott's car.. See, there's hardly vehicles on the rd.. gd place to speed =p Most of the vehicles there r super big trucks..

can see d sea.. opposite is Jurong Island.. after 1 yr.. i'm back to a Jurong Islander..

Realy a v diff type of spore.. n they r still reclaimin more land.. more to come..
(Your Name) ♥ 10:25 PM
lazy afternoon at Arab St..
Finally gt some time for myself.. finally can do some bloggin.. gt alot of pics bt had been so busy n tired..

Went arab st area 2 weeks ago.. lunch at tis malay shop.. d tings r quite nice.. esp tt black soy sauce fish! it's yummy!! wif d onions n chilli.. realy appetizing .. coz normally i dun tk fish 1..bt tis is realy nice =p

Lunchin at tis area somehw relax me down.. it was a lazy sat afternoon after my wk.. realy v long din hav d 'you zai sian zai' feelin already..

on d way back on car.. act wanted to tk d city view de..bt d car go too fast le..lookin out of d car window also relaxes me down..
(Your Name) ♥ 8:54 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
laughter sunday (找你哟~!!) =P
it has been quite some time that the few of us(Mel,ros, ros's sis, yq & mi) went for ktv!!!
finally got the chance to go kbox dis sunday...they are celebrating their 5th anniversary...so per pax they are charging 5bucks...until 18th Oct...

but today their ktv system sucks to the max!!! for whole 3 hrs...the system kept jamming...skipping our songs... *&^%$*&%##!@#!

but then da farnie part came...there was dis waiter came in to explain to us wat happened to their system...then we were super pissed lah...then he offered to extend our next ktv session & said that he will see to our extension of our ktv session & note it down on our receipt.

Then our dear Yanqin asked him..."so the next time we come find u arh?"

then da waiter replied," ya can come find mi..."

Then yanqin asked for his name & the waiter gave him his name...........

Then suddenly these words came out from our yanqin's mouth: " oh...ok....找你哟~!!!" (in high pitch girly tone!!)

Mel, Ros & me......ze tao stunned tio....a moment of silence....

after the waiter left our room......da 3 of us burst out luffing......

Realli cannot imagine those words came out from our dear yq's mouth lor...esp when she said "找你哟~!!!"

wahahahahahhahaha...i tink dat's the phrase of the year....=P

after the long-awaited ktv session, we went for dinner! was starving by the time we finished ktv...as usual...astons specialties had their super long queue....so we decided to eat at Waraku....oso super de many ppl...after 30mins' wait...finally we got a table....dis time round ros lazy to take pics of our food liao...too hungry...wahahaha...it was vv nice!! ros & yq had dis beef curry kishimen (japanese kuay tiao), mel had curry katsu kishimen, ros's sis had curry katsu don i tink...& i had Rindo (cold noodles + pork katsu don?) & 2 more side dishes: pork + cabbage omelette & cheesy prawns!! vv vv nice!!

oh ya mux mention dis: thankew guys!! for da dinner~!! =D

after dinner...ros & mel got the craving for sweet stuff...so we went opp to have ice cream...was kinda disappointing to see the ice creams when they were served to us....there were 7 scoops of different flavours...we tot they are of those regular scoops...but turned out...they are samplers' size scoops....damn small lah....& they melted abit too fast....

we oso did some catchin up abt our secondary skool days......wahahah those were da days man....lookin back....dat was all so fun!!

realli miss skool man....=P

lookin forward to our next outing!!! "找你哟~!!!" wahahahahahahahaha
(Your Name) ♥ 12:51 AM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
HI gals.. i'm lookin for dress lik this 2 below.. if u all noe of any spree on this kind of dress.. pls tell me k =))

Tis 1 also.. v sad.. i bought liao..bt duno y i post tis pic, d person said she saw was a white de.. end up send me d wrong color.. den i ask to change bt she say black is OOS liao =s DAm sad...
(Your Name) ♥ 9:29 AM
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Dad brought tis ultra big rabbit back(well, duno if u all find it big, bt least it manage to generate a WOW out of me when i 1st saw it).. it's realy adorable..coz d size of it is jus lik MoMo.. Bt sadly, mom dun allow, so i must giv it away.. it's so big n kuai.. v shy n timid.. when i let it walk on d floor, it hop back to it's cage.. too bad i dun hav a hse wif garden.. sad sad sad... if nt tis ting can pei me when i bored..
i'm tinkin of usin Momo's lease n bring rabbit out for a walk.. Hehe.. Would ppl laugh at me??

james wif rabbit

mel wif rabbit (k i was quite scare of it.. n it also fluster, end up gav me a 2 deep scratches)

RABBIT!!!!!!! woof woof

k Sth apart fr rabbit.. Btw,i gt no time to tink of a name for it yet.. so tentatively it's name would be "Rabbit".. cool huh.. durh.. haha.. saw tis ting while buyin stuff, suddenly gt d urge to play as i hav alwax find it a nice game.. so bought it.. Keke.. Nxt time u all play wif me k..
(Your Name) ♥ 10:20 PM
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