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Monday, January 21, 2008
19 Jan 08
o forgot to blog on tt 'FABULOUS' show we watched on sat... Hahaha...

Went 10-dollar ktv with Qin, Sian, Jun Liang, Li Sian and Andy on sat... supposedly to have 10 of us de lo.. d rest put planes sia.. end up we got to pay for all... Bt ok la.. it's stil much cheaper than kbox... somemore free flow of drink..

After singin, JL went back 1st while d rest of us proceeded for dinner at tis rather authentic place at chinatown... Liew.. din tk pics lo.. v hard to blog lik tt.. who will read all these long craps i write...hmm.. haha...

Anyway, after tt we went to catch a movie at Cathay (picture or color hse??)... Decided to watch Cloverfield as there was nt much of review of it, so it seems 'mysterous'... so lalala.. we bought our tix.. while lookin at d list of movies.. we saw tis " This movie is not yet rated", as wat d words suggested, we thot it is jus an error msg or sth de... bt who noes.. after tt we saw it's poster.. There's realy a show by tt ku ku name.. n is R21.. i wanna watch!... haha.. duno wat is it abt... K K.. back to grandma story.. we went to get Ben n Jerry ice cream to kill time..

Show starts:

ok.. it is realy a movie taken usin view cam manner.. n i must say... IT SUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big time.. it was d worse movie i eva watch.. nt bcoz of d story line or wat.. bt d fact tt d person behind d cam keep turnin so fast.. i gt 'sea sick' lik after 10min.. n giddy wif headache, n wanna puke.. badly... gt to keep eatin sweets.. i cant carry on at all.. so closed my eyes.. n pray tt d movie end soon.. i did open my eyes at parts where d monster came out... n tt's all.. apart fr tt, i was jus dyin to get out of d threatre... Finally after lik 70-75min of torturin.. we got out to catch some fresh air... all of us.. except LS felt sick.. n kept burpin.. GRRR...GRRR... LS dam power.. din feel a ting... tink his 2weeks on sea trainin did help sia..haha...

Aeehh... i tink tis is tt monster.. Haha... some spidy cum bat lookin monster...
(Your Name) ♥ 1:44 PM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
6 Jan 08
Next day after sci centre i gt cousin's weddin.. n worse of all.. i gt sore eye tt day.. v bad sore eye tt i gt to wear contacts to d dinner...

see my eyes.. cant even open properly.. was dam swollen... my bro, mama, ah ma n uncle.. we were sittin at d red table sia.. gt special treatment de.. dey serve us individually..

gt an uncle n his gf cant make it.. so 2nd bro drag 2 of his frenz along.. kelvin n wei jie.. Haha.. funny sia.. n dey duno anybody there..

dey gt tea ceremony before d dinner... i thot was rather weird...

Marriage is such a blissful occassion...... jus get me so emo....
(Your Name) ♥ 10:54 PM
5 Jan 08
Went Sci Center wif Ray,Win, JL, Les, YW, my bro n i on one of the sat..
They saw sci centre broucher at airport n said it looked interestin.. at d same time we also run out of places to go lately.. So many yrs haven been to sci centre already.. so made a trip there..haha..

i'm being boxed up...JL takin pic outside d floating box..

Found my fav Princess there.. hehe..

::"No Bodies" time::

TIs is cool.. it captures u into d TV.. n u can play d game inside virtually.. LES on TV!!

JL's turn!!

u can use ur hand, head to hit d stuff..

Les intercepted JL's game.. haha.. can play 2players somemore..


::A series of colorful pics::

::Cai Hong:: =)

Love tis pic..

in a big hse..

tis machine is cool.. it combines 2 faces n bodies into 1.. tis 1 is my bro's face on les's body.. Dam funny lookin..

les n i playin soccer..ahah.. it's jus a projection on d wall.. den we can do header, kick or use hands to hit d balls..

Win playin d ball ball game..

Let's learn abt LUNGS..

check out my matchin pipes.. AHhahahah

d kitchen's over there... AHAHHAHA

Guess who>>>>>>>>>nope, nt les... is JL..haha

i jus thot tis pic looks rather funny to tk up a big part of d wall... looks gross

combination of ray n my bro...

combination of ray n win...

les, james, me, jl

many many MEs....

in the world of mirrors...

tis's also interestin.. is some projection on d floor.. when we walked pass, d cubes gt distorted...

in d world of d future

me takin pic of yw takin pic of us... in tis futuristic section

simply loooveee d floor..
(Your Name) ♥ 8:32 PM
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Xmas 2007
Ok got to do some bits of recap here.. it goes way back last yr... Hhaha.. manz.. time flies.. We had a joint xmas party wif my jc frenz.. at tis HIDEOUT cafe near 85 mkt.. well we ran out of places n tis place come into mind.. it is great as it is so near my hse..

Courtesy of sakae sushi.. so colorful!

all these yummy food were prepared by ray, win,junlong, audrey n shu ya.. BIG THANX to them! stil miss d bacon wif GOLDEN MUSHROOM!!!

there were even more.. egg mayo baugette, terayaki chicken, pasta.. n we gt tis nostalgic candy basket wif all d old time tibits =)


i duno wat game are those.. we jus love the props.. haha.. guns n bones

1 of the highlights of this shop.. d prank props.. Which makes playin game n forfeitin there fun!

duno wat my bro doin.. tink he shld spend less time wif les...haha

Yiting n qiu xia

Shirley, wei qin n hui sian..

can find me xtra-ing behind..haha

Woot!.. tis is 1 eh... pretty pig.. ms piggy lookalik!

n their gay moves...

tink d gals bullied ray? haha..

we were punished.. for losin in pictionary.. n gt to sing xmas songs... haha.. tink d ppl ard us tink we were mad

Woo hoo.. i tink tis is d ultimate prop...ahhaha

:: Pressie xchange time::

my BIG CUTE n CUDDLY pressie fr sian.. THANK U so much..love it v v much..it looks lik a tofu.. jus lik me.. Muahahah...
N qin say many ppl say we look lik sis in tis pic??!!! omg..pui pui.. ahahah...

shirley n d gals r into kissin tt nite..muackz muackz muackz...

nah here's sian.. haha..

derrick.. our last guy survivor in our sec grp.. duno to say he lucky or??

Derrick gotten a yiting's pressie... n guess wat is it................................................................................................................


Ray's given yanwei ice wine... i lik.. can some1 buy 1 for me too?? haha..

Ray looked so ku ku in tt cap..haha...

ok tt's all for nw.. i'd put many pics in, bt duno where they went.. tink i would blog again another time...haha
(Your Name) ♥ 9:56 PM
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