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Sunday, June 22, 2008
dive @ pulau aur
wld like to share wif u guys my dive xperience @ pulau aur....
am now a certified diver le~!! =D
it's reli a great xperience.......very relaxing & tiring.....but still....u guys shld give it a try!!!

met a great bunch of ppl who luv diving.........
they reli have a passion for diving........from the way they shared with us their underwater stories...so damn interesting~!!

am reli missin' the fun, sun, the sand & the underwater!

this is pulau aur, west m'sia...we took coach in into m'sia...
after 2 & 1/2 hrs ride, we reached Mersing jetty which we had to take a 3-4 hr ferry ride to reach pulau aur.....

the island isn't very big...there's nthg much on the island in fact...juz 2 resorts i guess....& the rest are juz trees & rocks...

the water is damn clear.....luv it! but it's damn salty.....

forgot to take a pic of our bunk...it's a very simple room with 2 toilets & 5 double-decker beds to fit 10 ppl...every step u take in the room, u make a sqeaky sound...cos the whole bunk is made of wood...it's reli back to the basics...brot my hair dryer along too...but no chance to use it cos u wun be able to find a spare electric socket....but the room is air conditioned..so not too bad...

dat's a pic of our bunk exterior look...we can hang our ma-ri-ki-tas outside....pic was taken after we came back from one of our dive trip...our surface interval...we nid some time out of the water so as not to have too much nitrogen in our bodies before our nxt dive....

the nxt pic shows our dining area...where we chill out, makan & have our dive briefings...our trip includes lodging, all rides & food...the food is buffet-style...u can eat all u can...instant noodles, tidbits are all on the hse...except for soft drinks & beers, we'll nid to pay for them...but it's still affordable.....

also met this germany husband & wife & their cute little gal on dis trip...they are both dive instructors...they only take in germany & french students for their dive trips...their gal so damn cute & shy.....she's onli 22 months & look at her size....& she's damn hyperactive...her threshold for pain is damn gd i mux say...wheneva she falls down or knock herself, it's like nthg to her & she can pick herself up....=P

up nxt....fotos of us in action!
dat's yiting on the extreme left, guowen(my colly's fren), me, derrick & adrian (my colly)....holdin onto the rope for our dear lives as we are juz amateurs...we have the tendency to float up...nid to dive more to maintain our bouyancy underwater...our divemaster(Ross) very nice...always help us to take pics...& showed us interesting corals...& we also touched this purple color sea cucumber & mushroom-like coral... we saw many fishes.....all kind of colors & shapes! oso saw nemo~!! loads of them! but din get to see Squirt....=P

We also nid to do all the skills we learnt during our pool session underwater......

a foto of us while we are energetic & DRY.......all geared up for our nxt dive.......

dat's a foto of our instructor, Brian on the left & divemaster, Ross on the right. Steven is the guy in the middle, who is also the instructor of another grp of Open Water divers.

luv dis pic....so nicely taken by ross...hee...can see the island & us bobblin' on the water surface..=P

a grp foto of both Open Water divers & Leisure divers..on our way back to our resort....
da ang mo in white is the boss of Planet Scuba, Alex...guess his age...if u get it correct...i say u li hai....=P

dat's a grp foto of the 8 of us @ the beach....

fun times always seem short & indeed, it was time to go home..........fotos of us on our 4-hr ferry ride back to Mersing jetty......had a great chat with our divemaster, Ross as he shared with us his life & his diving xperience. & we were soooooo baked under the hot sun.....

reli njoy the ferry ride back...the sea breeze was damn cooling despite the scorchin hot sun....& lookin at the vast blue sea...juz makes u forget all the troubles u haf......total relaxation.....

after all the baking....here's the end product: (we gals are roasted lah...but the guys like not much effect...)

it was reli a very enjoyable trip.....can't wait to go for my nxt dive trip....=P
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