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Monday, September 29, 2008
===MY LOVE===

1) Spending time wif u gals =))

2) Sound fr F1?? Wahaha....

3) Ros's fun cam

4) Arts Friend shop

5)another Guess... after a stupid long hr

6) Peanut Butter Bar... well nt my fav, too fattenin.. bt is made for my lovey Dan Dear =p

tt's hw i spent my weekend... plus a fri nite dinner wif mom, bros, grams n uncle.. fruitful weekend ended over at dear's place~~~
(Your Name) ♥ 11:11 PM
Saturday, September 20, 2008
we luv baking~

wahaha...juz a short post here of our baking session on sat...fun~!!!
for more details, pls visit ros's blog! =P (thanks ros for bloggin'~!! =P hahaha)
(Your Name) ♥ 1:02 AM
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Bintan-23-24Aug 08
went on a Bintan trip wif my mom n lil' bro... organised by mom's coy n we were all fully paid for.. so nice of her coy...

Well..was tinkin of gettin a gd tan there..bt who knows,it ended up v cloudy n rainy for d 2 days... Settin off... at Tanah Merah Ferry terminal.. it was my 1st time there...

Arrival at Bintan Resort.. we were greeted by this dance grp and all guest were given a welcome drink... so nice of them.. so diff fr d malacca resort....
All d meals were also provided.. n we get to dine at d resort buffet restaurant... there were a great variety of food!! every meal was facinatin for me... coz i got to explore every corner of d restaurant, there were alot of food!! (eh...no wonder dan dear said i tubbilised liao...=x)
Look at this.. jus a bread section n there were sooo many types of bread to choose fr~~~
Toilet of d restaurant.. haha... i realise i forgt to tk pics of my room.. grr grrr.. bt d rm is not bad..
View fr d restaurant...mornin over there is soo nice... jus look out n all u see is water, beach, coconut tree....

==mama n i==

there were many many cute lil' cakes to choose fr too....

== Splendid ==
tis is a bar in d resort.... they've got beds!! looks so comfy n nice...
btw, while takin tis pic.. there was act a couple there, an ang mo guy n a gal... they were both lyin down, legs face me..(i can see their underwears lo!!) n they hug til soo engrossed... lik nobody's there.. d gal's hand already in d guy's tee, liftin it up... omg... i secretly took tis pic de.. fearin dey might tink i'm takin them... haha..

Mom's coy act plan many outdoors activities liao..bt due to d weather, so we had indoor games instead.. rather wu liao... n we were split into 4 teams.. am in d Yellow team!!
tis is playin passin d ball...when d music stop, u come out n perform a forfiet.. my bro n mom all kana once.. lucky me.. phew..
after tt, when d rained stopped, we proceeded to d beach for our sandcastle competition...
there were bungalows there too...
Behind is d resort i'm stayin in...
see d yellow tag on my hand... we were given colored pp, glue, string, scissors n supposed to make tings out to represent our team..

Behind tt grp of ppl r my teammates.. they were so funny n crazy... u wun believe it..
crazy adults.. haha.. had lotsa fun!! i forgt to tk pics of my teammates!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRR
after sandcastle, we had dinner, n free time.. went KTV wif my mom's collies... d KTV there was dam ex.. S$60/hr.. no drinks included... we gt to order our own beer... den after 2hrs of singin.. we went to her colly's rm to play blackjack...
way back... d sky turned grey again.. n poured v v heavily....
ah.... hw i wish d trip was longer =( keke...

Gd bye Bintan...
(Your Name) ♥ 7:17 PM
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